How do I get a cap to forgive, forget and get back

i sincerely hope he hasnt written me off! Dunno why, something in the way he said that hi..kind of deliberate attention after that 2 months and something tells me he hasnt forgotten or is it me hoping! I dunno
He also did drink...but i dint understand what you meant by the rest of the sentence yofaithful...if its about getting i said after 2 months i walked upto him and apologised for the "messages". I dnt think hed go to the extent of thinking physical intimacy...

Related Messages

Posted by s4nd
Unsurprisingly Alice, as the wisest and most introspective of the lot, gets her feelings completely trodden over by the rest of them.

yes i thought alice didn't win too. actually i thought a few pages back larry did...
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Yes, shared a few pages back, despite Alice being who she is, she never won. I doubt anybody did, I mean did Larry? We never know, it was an open ended finale...
Posted by tiziani
My preferred character was Clive Owen. Not necessarily for the character, moreso than just because I love Clive Owen.

Have you lot ever remembered the last time you surfed the internet to speculate and felt in a better mood because of it? Makes you wonder why do you do it eh? I guess you Scorps have an excuse with Saturn being in your house. I'm off to crack a few jokes.

Surf the internet- Yes
Speculate- Yes (more often in our heads than not)
Resulting better mood- At times
In combination- not really?
Posted by s4nd
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Posted by s4nd
Unsurprisingly Alice, as the wisest and most introspective of the lot, gets her feelings completely trodden over by the rest of them.

yes i thought alice didn't win too. actually i thought a few pages back larry did...

Yes, shared a few pages back, despite Alice being who she is, she never won. I doubt anybody did, I mean did Larry? We never know, it was an open ended finale...

he... got to fuck everyone! :p
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Fucking is but a tool, morphine to numb 'pain', 'anger' or whatever issues he is having, it does not necessarily solve anything. In terms of having the notches on the bed post, and elsewhere, in such sense- he won (since Dan was 'fucked' over too).
Though did he win and end up happy, no. In conclusion, no winner, no one found love, and no one found happiness.
He wants something.
Guys pop back up out of nowhere for usually selfish reasons. I'd keep doing what you're doing because his real intent will show up sooner than later.
This isn't a Leo thing, it's a guy thing.
Walk away. I was engaged to an Aqua man. His ex-wife was an Aqua and they were long divorced before I came into the picture. She was fine with him dating other women because she deemed them to be beneath her. But, lo and behold when I came on the scene she got threatened and tried to ruin his military career. It was a hot mess. He dumped me and ran back to her and his son to be a family again.. Within weeks he was begging me to take him back. Seriously, run.
The user who posted this message has hidden it.
Posted by CluelessCancer
cause we love giving and receiving oral sexsmile

this too Tongue
I knew you weren't speaking of extreme cases. I wrote "put up with our bullsh*t" to reference any behaviour that we justify or make excuses for--not necessarily extreme behaviour. I understood what you meant because I have similar expectations in terms of loyalty from a partner with an understanding that you outlined above. I'm a ride or die kind of chick, but I need to know you are worth it. I think this is a separate issue from working on your issues while you are in a relationship and taking responsibility for your actions though.
I did read your post on responsibility, which is why I addressed the other post. To me, it read like a one sided view of "responsibility" as I define taking responsibility. I should have stated that. I guess I see people in relationship as individuals that are very much responsible for their own journey and growth; the partnership just forces us to get our head straight a lot quicker than we would if we were on our own. The people we get involved with will often hold up a mirror to let us know we have work to do. The work, I think is mostly for ourselves so we can become better people and partly for the sake of the relationship.
I will agree with you, Scorps are very aware of the demons we must fight, we don't typically need the mirror to become aware of the things we need to work on. However, just being aware of it and saying yeah I know I have issues isn't enough imo. Even worse, to say I know I have issues, but I will only work on them if I think you're worth it, just seems... weak (I can't come up with a better word). Pull your head out of your a** and work on your stuff! I think the work should be done for your own sake (and for the sake of the relationship), not because you want something from someone else first.
I am not suggesting that you were saying all of this^^^^ in your post, but this was how I initially interpreted your post. I do see your point and understand it much better now.
Posted by Scorpiorabbit
Posted by PhoenixRising

This is disturbing for some reason.
click to expand

Probably because gold teeth are perfect for tearing through rabbit flesh.
Seriously, what the hell is it with these women in relationships all wondering about these male "friends" of theirs? If you aren't ready to be in a committed relationship, go fucking be single. Trying to have your cake and eat it too just makes you look like a selfish twat. :/