How do I get a cap to forgive, forget and get back

he appeared way too wary when i interacted with anyone it possible he gets into another relation so fast? i mean a days folly changed it all so fast? Hed actually stare if i walked up to anyone even to ask a doubt!

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Walk away. I was engaged to an Aqua man. His ex-wife was an Aqua and they were long divorced before I came into the picture. She was fine with him dating other women because she deemed them to be beneath her. But, lo and behold when I came on the scene she got threatened and tried to ruin his military career. It was a hot mess. He dumped me and ran back to her and his son to be a family again.. Within weeks he was begging me to take him back. Seriously, run.
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Posted by CluelessCancer
cause we love giving and receiving oral sexsmile

this too Tongue
I knew you weren't speaking of extreme cases. I wrote "put up with our bullsh*t" to reference any behaviour that we justify or make excuses for--not necessarily extreme behaviour. I understood what you meant because I have similar expectations in terms of loyalty from a partner with an understanding that you outlined above. I'm a ride or die kind of chick, but I need to know you are worth it. I think this is a separate issue from working on your issues while you are in a relationship and taking responsibility for your actions though.
I did read your post on responsibility, which is why I addressed the other post. To me, it read like a one sided view of "responsibility" as I define taking responsibility. I should have stated that. I guess I see people in relationship as individuals that are very much responsible for their own journey and growth; the partnership just forces us to get our head straight a lot quicker than we would if we were on our own. The people we get involved with will often hold up a mirror to let us know we have work to do. The work, I think is mostly for ourselves so we can become better people and partly for the sake of the relationship.
I will agree with you, Scorps are very aware of the demons we must fight, we don't typically need the mirror to become aware of the things we need to work on. However, just being aware of it and saying yeah I know I have issues isn't enough imo. Even worse, to say I know I have issues, but I will only work on them if I think you're worth it, just seems... weak (I can't come up with a better word). Pull your head out of your a** and work on your stuff! I think the work should be done for your own sake (and for the sake of the relationship), not because you want something from someone else first.
I am not suggesting that you were saying all of this^^^^ in your post, but this was how I initially interpreted your post. I do see your point and understand it much better now.
Posted by Scorpiorabbit
Posted by PhoenixRising

This is disturbing for some reason.
click to expand

Probably because gold teeth are perfect for tearing through rabbit flesh.
Seriously, what the hell is it with these women in relationships all wondering about these male "friends" of theirs? If you aren't ready to be in a committed relationship, go fucking be single. Trying to have your cake and eat it too just makes you look like a selfish twat. :/
Posted by AllyCat34
Ugh! I gave in and messaged... stupid, I know :/ Of course I received no response. At this point, should I just delete all contact points (i.e., phone, IM, FB)? I figured if he didn't want to speak to me anymore, he'd remove me from FB... (I realize how ridiculous I am being...)

Don't delete. Just don't bother communicating first.
Libras won't remove you from Facebook. It's not indicative of anything. They're just too lazy to bother.
Posted by CluelessCancer
I gave an awesome bj last night can i get a cookie? New to the game. Pimpin ain't easy.

No cookie, but how about a celebratory dance?
To the OP: Well, we are posting on an Astrology forum aren't we? Tongue
Posted by PiscVirgAquaFish
How do you guys feel about science fiction or the supernatural. The caps I know won't even indulge the idea. I'm curious if placements make a difference since all four are cap mercury.

Sci-Fi? Yes please. Big Grin
I'm probably on of the few people during my study of philosophy who enjoyed a movie like the Russian Solyaris.
Supernatural... in movies I'm kind of meh about them but in stories and folklore I love it. Things like the various types of vampires from around the world and the miniature world with quicksilver as oceans for the Chinese emperor fascinate me.
Ancient history such as Mesopotamiam culture is riddled with supernatural stories.
I grew up in a country where being religious was uncommon or even weird. I have never been interested in it. Philosophy has taught me its place in modern culture but I am pretty sure I will never get religious in the traditional sense. Not any further than the folklore and historical context anyway.