The breakup. That escalated quickly...

hahaha xygen, I dont know and at this point my hooves are clickin to head on to different pastures..
Ive had enough trying to decipher and analyze his actions.
Honestly Id probably try to "fix" this but I cannot and will not allow someone to treat me this way.
Got to keep some self respect

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This weekend was hell. Yesterday was more of the same nightmarish bs from Saturday.
I'm off to freaking Disneyland to recoup. Then interview tomorrow. Woot.
Not the best in lyrical meanings but good memories, good memories...
< width="420" height="315" ="
Posted by ellessque
obesity is an issue in the states but a size 12/14 is hardly "obese".

Some of us don't look right being that small.

I should post this under L& but since these two guests (Stevie J & Joseline) are also 2 Scorpios like Ciara & Future, it falls under the same crazy PLUS Charlemagne is messin with the WRONG BISHHH in this interview..haha!!
"Now, I may joke around with you alot..Charla-UGLY! ..lmao!!"
< width="560" height="315" ="http:

Joseline is
Posted by Sagtastic1
I can understand years and years down the road. But immediately afterwards?
* Scratches head*

As a Virgo - I think it's one of those situations where although you didn't like that person romantically you liked SOME things about them. Plus some Virgos I know have this innate feeling to be liked by all.
Ok I would like to get some advice or even hear some stories about long distance relationships.
I am seing a man that lives 2.5 hours away from me. I know to many that doesn't seem that long at all , but in some ways it is. I want to be with him and see him and its so hard because of our work schedules. I so wish i can just be able to get out of work and say hey I'm passing by lets go grab a bite to eat or take a walk or do something, but I can't. I feel like maybe giving up because the majority of these types of relationships dont always work out. He tells me that he wishes he can see me on a regular basis and how much he just wants me close to him. there have been times we had some issues with communication because we keep missing eachother. we are both so busy. I just want to know has anybody who has been in a similar situation how did you make it work. How did you over come all these obstacles that involve being so far away. we had our fare share of our ups and downs and we always talked things out when things got somewhat ugly.

Please please I would like some guidance. Thank you so much
Posted by aquasnoz

This is scary to me. LOL
but she's so pretty in it!
Posted by Layna
I can NEVER resist... hahaha.
What sign do you think he is so far? Tongue

Layna help!! LOL LOL. Ok let's see... I know he's 25 but didn't turn 25 this year.
He's a really good communicator and funny. Likes to debate etc.
He works out a LOT & is very simple. Very logical. Very kind.
Emotionally and in a relationship sense he seems confused. Meaning - he will say he wants to date then say he's not sure - then say he wants a fwb.
He's a decent writer & has a vivid imagination. He's very shy & sometimes timid. He does know what he does and does not like for sure.
Oh god.... Is he a Virgo?? LOL LOL
Posted by SUT2pointoh
Posted by xdimplez
Posted by SUT2pointoh
Posted by libraCUSPscorpio
Great. Now I'm going to have a nice story to tell all my baristas at work today.

Tell them how great it works for you and thats why youre so great at your job

do a group experiment and see if espresso shots or the other types of coffees make your bowels move faster Tongue

It will make them less anal retentive and everything should run smoother there

click to expand

Triple espresso will be the express training pulling right up!
What a way for those who are a little sore on their behinds, refreshes them for a great start to a Monday...