The breakup. That escalated quickly...

Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Immature + Egotistical = Move on out...STAT!
Bad, very bad. You might not see it as manipulative games, trust us Scorps, it could very well turn into one and it would never end nice, never. One word-------

He's been playing games from the minute he fell in love with me.
Immature+ Egotistical+ Insecure

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Posted by aquasnoz
I try to be CL lol (no i really do it's actually really sad)
What's crackalacking Big Grin Apart from a shit start to the week?

At work right now. Listening to positive thinking sermon on youtube. lol Other than that nothing much. You know what's funny? I don't think you have to try at all. I am sure just things you say sometimes gets people laughing. Big Grin
Posted by CapintheHat
If I'm on good terms with someone then I never truly "leave". We may drift apart for whatever reason (school, work, moved away, etc.) but in most cases reconnecting in the future wouldn't be a problem. If I'm on bad terms with someone then leaving with closure is optional because I don't like you enough to even care anymore or I want to get away for you as quickly as possible.

I like that quote. I also agree with Cheeky. Adults have to be responsible for their own emotions and their own closure.
There's nothing wrong with being friends with your exes, I find it beneficial for me coz I get to see the reason why the relationship failed since I am seeing it now in a friendship level.
Called it weird or whatever but that's just how things are for me specially when Ive had attachment with my exes family.
Sometimes it made me say to myself "you're one lucky girl, you didn't end up with this guy" hahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Tizi: LOL!! glad I actually DID post
I like how their birthdays are consecutive (Nov. 2 & 3rd) yet their personalities are like night & day. Stevie is that quiet, creepy, "behind the scenes" stalkerish Scorpio, While Joseline is like: "HEEEY WORLD!!!"...Loud and in charge...Joseline CLEARLY wears the pants..
I STILL don't think she's 26 tho. she's must be REEEACHING (for PR reasons)...she looks older.
A Virgo with a sag moon?!?!?! Ahahaha!
I'm sensing an Aqua guy though... smile
It does strike me as controlling, and a time waste as well if you're actually ready and interested in a particular person. But for some people, this may give them the feeling of security they need in order to move forward.
Are you sure youre not doing this to make you guys something more?! You say youre not sure if you can...which basically gives you your answer...and its probably not a smart idea to get involved that way. Think long and hard about it...imo it will ruin your ask yourself if that is worth it.

but...Yes cancer guys (any guy) will/can have a fwb without catching feelings (there have been occasions where they have...but thats far and few in between imo)
Posted by virgosagscorpio
There's nothing wrong with being friends with your exes, I find it beneficial for me coz I get to see the reason why the relationship failed since I am seeing it now in a friendship level.
Called it weird or whatever but that's just how things are for me specially when Ive had attachment with my exes family.
Sometimes it made me say to myself "you're one lucky girl, you didn't end up with this guy" hahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

+1, You get to see first hand that there ain't nothing wrong whitcha...or him/her. Less torture as you're not wondering what's they're up to/doing....ween yourself off....preferable modus operandi for some....Hey, how you doin? LOL
Posted by FishyPisces
Posted by virgosagscorpio
There's nothing wrong with being friends with your exes, I find it beneficial for me coz I get to see the reason why the relationship failed since I am seeing it now in a friendship level.
Called it weird or whatever but that's just how things are for me specially when Ive had attachment with my exes family.
Sometimes it made me say to myself "you're one lucky girl, you didn't end up with this guy" hahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If it's mutual, then yes there's nothing wrong with it.
click to expand

Yeah, mutual
Sadly, it's hypocrites like this that shape the ridiculous expectations set for society. It's not just Ambercombie and Fitch, though I've never liked their clothes or sizing, I recognize that so many other adolescent directed clothing brands do the exact same thing. In a world filled with people who are naturally born different- overall approval and admiration is awarded to the small percent who are skinny and have social based personalities. Those who set up this unrealistic image are just as flawed as your average person- if not more because of their vanity and money centered ideals. Nothing corrupts humanity more than greed.
Advertizing ruins self image from such a young age now, it's frightening.
Having to look at the photoshopped image of "perfection" every day of a young life is more problematic than one may think- and it's all mostly done by hideous, vain human beings like this one who shouldn't be setting the bar for anyone..