The breakup. That escalated quickly...

Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by evermour
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by evermour
Posted by xygeneration
its going to look like you're the clinger and once he finds a fuck buddy or a gf he'll say you're the crazy one who wont leave his ass alone.

I doubt it. Ill probably have a bf or just not care by then.

You see, that is what he was, probably, foreseeing, ALREADY.
A Scorpio man can see things far ahead. Whereas he may be immature in one area, he may be quite developed in

Well when he broke up, I told him id wait for him. that i was still his.
When i found out he cheated... that offer was off the table.
and yeah I'll probably care when he finds a gf or something..
but by then I'll have already come to terms with everything.
it doesnt take clairvoyance, its just common sense.
Im not going to pine away for someone who doesnt deserve it.

I think you may have misunderstood. My bad for not clarifying. (was also writing elsewhere)
What I am saying to you is that some men are able to see so far ahead, in advance that the woman
would think he is crazy. Then... one day... it turns out to be true.
That's not to justify his cheating on you, but may explain why he didn't take you seriously.
You may have said or done something while you two were together, or, perhaps..., even before you
two became intimate. On the other hand... he may be one of those Scorpios who has written off
serious commitments altogether, for whatever reason.

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He was serious. But super insecure possessive sensitive and egotistical.
I tried to compromise and accommodate him but it just wasnt enough in the end.
So by the falling out he didnt care too much about keeping fidelity.
I understand, but he's blowing up over it.. Im very confused.

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I spent the night at her house on Thursday... neither of us worked on Friday... we talked about meeting on Saturday... but I didn't perceive there to me a lot of indication that she really wanted to. Turns out, she got involved in one of her house projects on Saturday. Later Saturday night, she asked me if I was disappointed that we didn't see each other... I told her 'no'... that I realized we wouldn't when she made it known that she had started sanding and painting her stairs. We had some laughs through sms-ing... everything seemed fine. I got it... I understood... no big deal.
On Sunday I asked her if she had finished... took her awhile to answer, so I knew she hadn't. At about 9:00p Sunday night, she asked me if I would like to come to her house on Monday evening... I told her 'yes' but that I wouldn't be finished with work until 7-7:30p. She understood saying "yes, but it's a special day tomorrow."
This morning she wrote an sms to me at 8:00a that said: Happy Birthday ! Today is YOUR day !
We were supposed to meet at 7-7:30p tonight... I received an sms at 6:15p that said: David, I don't think we can see each other tonight... I started crying in the car on the way home and I haven't stopped... maybe it is my nerves. Don't ask me why, it is about nothing and everything at the same time. I wanted to see you because today is your birthday, but I can't tonight.
About an hour later, I wrote only: I'm sorry... hope you feel better soon.
Haven't heard anything else from her tonight... but FUCK... her timing sucks ! Thing is, I made no other plans... my plans were made when she made them last night for 'MY special day'... think I have placed too many 'eggs' in this 'basket'. I don't know what was troubling her tonight... all I am really seeing... is how reliable she can be... at being unreliable.
Posted by tiziani
Posted by CuriousLuv1
Posted by Mr. Defense
Giving and receiving head isn't that big of a deal. I mean we aren't in the 80s anymore for God's sake. Really oral sex should be as common in sex as kissing. At least for me its been that way. Not even sure how a sexual experience is complete without oral sex. And again, the fact that I'm asking this let's me know how I'm going to be on an entirely different level sexually than most "normal" women. Women who think giving head is such a big deal is simply not going to be able to match me sexually. It's really quite unfortuante, but I can't be with someone who doesn't know what they're doing sexually. I definitely need a woman who has a lot of sexual experience.

So you are not willing to teach? You be surprised what you can get out of the less experienced.

Intriguing! Do tell, Curious smile
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A lady never tells. IJS!! LOL
No choice but to wait...she is doing what is best for her based on her past and thats a step in the direction of healing. YOu may not be good for her.
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Posted by aquasnoz
Ticking time bomb indeed tizi, work will be interesting to say nonetheless BUT I SHALL LEAVE YOU ALL WITH A PIECE OF CUTTING EDGE technology. This shit be cray, ain't ever gawna happen.

Amazing how far we have come. WOW!
Posted by Mr. Defense
Posted by CuriousLuv1
Posted by Mr. Defense
Giving and receiving head isn't that big of a deal. I mean we aren't in the 80s anymore for God's sake. Really oral sex should be as common in sex as kissing. At least for me its been that way. Not even sure how a sexual experience is complete without oral sex. And again, the fact that I'm asking this let's me know how I'm going to be on an entirely different level sexually than most "normal" women. Women who think giving head is such a big deal is simply not going to be able to match me sexually. It's really quite unfortuante, but I can't be with someone who doesn't know what they're doing sexually. I definitely need a woman who has a lot of sexual experience.

So you are not willing to teach? You be surprised what you can get out of the less experienced.

She has to be one hell of a woman for me to want to train her.
click to expand

So all experienced women know how to blow the pipe?! I figured not everyone is the same, but maybe all pipes liked to be blown the same.
Hi there smile ok so i have sworn off Cancers lol....due to either the irreputable insecurity and clinginess, or the hell bent "im a hard-ass.. look at me! i, not sensitive all!" behavior which is CLEARLY a facade to hide who they really are and how they really feel. ugh. gag. ugggghhhhh!!!!
Wellll ive met another dont get me wrong!! when i first hear of someone being an Cancer it is almost endearing, as i am a Scorpio and i know how easily we will get along in general smile
He is creative, talented, driven, playful and ooooh so very cuddly. and i cannot stop kissing him, as he always wants to be close and smoooooooch...even if its in public, no matter where we are..and, as a huge fan of PDA, safe to say i dont mind one bit.
the first two cancers ive dated were REAL fast in wanting to move forward, as in: the first one i met his parents the next day..the second one, it was only a week before he asked me to be his woman...this one??? well.......

we met in a park in our neighborhood where we learned we have mutual friends who go there to play music and paint and be free spirits...the day we met i was mourning a loss, and had a white gardenia flower with me. as my daughter and i were leaving we said our farewells, walked away, but hen i turned back around ran to him and gave him the gardenia i had been carrying with me. when gave it to him, he looked surprised, looked me in my eyes and told me thank you as he sniffed it and told me how pretty it was, even though it had been a little loved on by me lol...i run into him again that evening at our local pub, he speaks, so did i and i go on abt my way........a few nights later, i decide i wanna go up to another local musical im walking up the sidewalk along the front of the place, lined with a wrought iron fence trimmed in ivy and white "christmas" lights, a voice calls my name from behind it, its him . o.O he says " Heyyy, ive been looking for you.."
im like "ok cool, ill see you inside " i go in we hang out. he gives me a ride home, we hang out more with movies then he crashes on my couch..with me right on his chest.
one of my friends come over the next day to hep me run some errands, and i ask the cancer if hed like to come back later. he did we hang out some more that day. in the park. with his guitar. on a blanket and were just seemingly in our own world, with his head in my lap, me playing in his long all that day we play and butterfly around eachother....
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