Conspiracy theorists vs. non- conspiracy theorists

I am very curious to hear what the imbeciles who voted for the worthless Kenyan asshole have to say on the following issues:
1.) Obama's horrific decision to abandon Ambassador Stevens and the other Americans fighting for their lives against terrorists in Benghazi, Libya.
2.) Obama's illegal use of the IRS to target, block, intimidate and otherwise harass Americans who defend the Constitution.
3.) Obama's illegal use of the DOJ to wiretap and monitor the telephone calls and conversations for news personnel at the Associated Press.
4.) Obama's illegal use of the EPA to basically destroy, inhibit and otherwise block ANYTHING related to the Coal Mining and Petroleum Exploration Industries, and the hundreds of thousands of jobs therein related. You faggots need to defend his blocking of the Keystone Pipeline while you are at it.
5.) Obama's recent treatment of US Marines as nothing more than umbrella holding butlers.
6.) Obama's piss poor effort to create a "school shooting" at Sandy Hook in an insidious plot to destroy the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution. Lying faggots like Robbie Parker, Gene Rosen and Sally Cox being the banner waving LIARS and bullshitters in that horseshit LIE of a scandal.
7.) Obama's shitty use of the BATF to stage a "weapons problem" at the border with Mexico (Operation Fast and Furious), when it was his damn agents who were financing and placing machine guns and anti-aircraft weapons into the hands of the Cartels. The plan was to blame lawful gun owners for the machine guns going to drug dealers, but the scandal backfired when Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and hundreds of Mexican civilians were murdered in the following months. Lower ranked BATF agents acknowledged that the entire "operation" was a fucking Reichstag Fire.
I would love to hear you worthless dreck explain yourselves for this horrendous horseshit. Hell, your election choice makes Nixon look like an Eagle Scout by comparison.