Having a good time David yes... Seeing different sides of each other too it's just a question I was curious about for a while actually... The sex thing was always a fine line with his intimacy issues from previous... I don't know. Time/ place and we can be good - we were really good and I'll never know what changed and honestly right now I'm not sure how we'd get back to that place. More than anything all I see from him right now is how he needs people (all people, new and old) to like him and he'll put on any mask/ weave any story for that to happen. It's sad really but I've said my piece and here we are... His journey to take tho...
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Dec 20, 2011Comments: 362 · Posts: 10167 · Topics: 100
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Sep 20, 2008Comments: 1470 · Posts: 13777 · Topics: 204
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Aug 27, 2009Comments: 334 · Posts: 8771 · Topics: 323
"To attempt to have intercourse with a hornet's nest is a very bad idea," Siv During Livh, a psychologist and expert on sex fantasies
Really?? Who woulda thought?
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Dec 11, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 592 · Topics: 23
Mr. Defense is on the verge of having a good point for all Virgos (imo) Deep down (even though we might not tell you directly) we do want you to just shut up and do what we tell you to do because deep down when we care about someone we feel like we know what's best for you. Why? Because if we care about you we've been studying you, researching you, mentally breaking down your life and rebuilding better and more productive in out heads. So when we "suggest" something to you we've decided that this would make things so much easier for you and us. We become slightly irritated when we see someone we care about approaching a problem or their life in an inefficient manner. So in our mind we think: If they would just do what I say they would see how much easier things would be.
There's flip side to that coin (in my Robert De Niro voice) if you make the MISTAKE of doing everything we tell you to do, we will become bored of you, lose respect for you and eventually leave you. We cannot have things too easy...we just don't respect easy...period. Mr. Defense thinks he wants that but in reality he'd hate it if he really got it. Why do you think he loves Taurean women so much?
Oh and Virgos aren't really cold; we just don't care. We are EXTREMELY passionate about anything and anyone we care about and trust. Moreso than probably your most passionate zodiac signs. The difference is there are very few things and even fewer people that we care about. And when we don't care, we don't react, open up, share or anything of the kind. We just aren't invested in your emotions and we don't really care about making you feel better... We're polite...always polite but other than that we can't be bothered with caring. This is because a Virgos real emotions run sooo deep and are so wild that it's EXHAUSTING to keep them in order. We are VERY selective about who gets access to those emotions. If we let them out to everyone we'd implode...no bueno