why has he disappeared and made no contact?

needless to say he's a capricorn. At first all my friends were convinced that he would ring me or something..so i was cool about it and thought i'd give it time, now even those friends are getting worried and are shocked he hasn't got in touch with me Crying.
The only times in the past he's ignored me has been when something major has happened, like when we have argued about something. This has been the longest we've not been in contact since two years back when he stopped talking to me over some random chick stirring and spreading lies about me to him.

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I wish you all the best, keep us updated. And please don't feel upset, everything happens for a reason. Hold your head pretty lady. Everything will workout just fine.
I feel like a MAN when I am
Being needed.
Making hard decisions.
Sticking to my commitments.
Letting others shine because life is not all about me.
Accomplishing things others said I could not.

and yes Feb SEX LOTS OF SEX xD
Posted by sweethearts
Not at all! I'm slim built with little curves and I am also Taurus rising which is suppose to be the fuller figure. My hair is dead straight, so much so that people wish they had it because they are sick of straighteners and products!!
This all belongs to my genes not my star sign...
Think you guys get a little carried away about how much astrology plays a part sometimes!!

Posted by WaterCup
Yes it sounds like a typical libra to me ie. ignoring texts & act all in in person. I dont know you can keep his interest while on tour, I think that's up to him if he stays interested or not. Would you really wanna do that? Try to keep a guy's interest? Personally, either a guy is interested or he isnt..I'm not gonna work at keeping his interest. Just do you. Relationships, love, etc really have no secret formula for them to work..all is needed is for both parties to feel the same way about each other & want the same things ie. future together or w/e.

+1. Yep, typical libra man bullshit. Here today, gone tomorrow. Hot one minute, and I mean really hot like there is no one in this world but you, and cold the next minute that you feel like you never meant anything. He's just having his ego stroked, nothing more. Otherwise nothing keeps a libra away from pursuing you strongly.
depends i guess, mine is jelous to a certain degree. he doesnt ask many probing questions just "whos he and where is he from?" thats it, and he will look me in the eye...all the time i feel that he is discerning if i am telling the truth or not and sending a message like "dont you dare cheat on me or something" lol...but he knows i wont, dont have to for a scorpio like me , i wont need to go to cheating to leave him ill just walk out of the door without even packng my bags...lol
Posted by IntriguedScorp
The funny thing is that Saturn has a ring which is pretty much just planetary debris. I wonder how that plays into things astrological speaking? Just a musing.

we're guarded peeps and for the most part its bs. we have as much to hide as the next person.
It's inherent. I don't know why it's a habit, but I know we can come up with many many reasons that suit us individually.
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by aquarius09
My ex's bday was Sept 29 and he couldn't help but be a douchebag. He turned out to be a gigolo selling himself to random women on kijiji. Sept 29 would be a regular, everyday libra.
I don't know, Rocky, but there is a difference between libra/scorp cusp and regular libras. I speak with regards to friendship because I no longer date this sign. Lol. However, I do keep them as friends and I have tons of libra male and libra/scorp cusp. In terms of friendship, I've found that libra/scorps have a backbone which they gt from their scorp side. Also they are on the feisty side. Another difference I've noticed with libra/scorp is they don't have this incessant need to keep ex around, especially if the presence of the ex is causing grief to your current partner.

In the friend department, both seem equally as flaky and do shit for self serving reasons. *shrugs*
I'd believe the backbone bit though. My ex had the balls to state what he wanted from the beginning and sat me down and talked to me when he wanted to end it.
This one has never really bothered bringing up what he wants, seems shyer, and though his actions have shown me he's not that into me, he still contacts me on a semi consistent basis. No idea why, but he does. :/ (lack of backbone)

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The current one is a sounding like a loser already. Why is he still around?
I've had romantic bad experience w/ 2 leeb losers, and I've had it. Since I'm attracted to this sign, unfortunately, I now evaluate at the very beginning if it's an evolved libra I'm dealing with or unevolved. Evolved or not, a libra doesn't have a backbone unless there is a tinge of scorp or a sharp sign coming in.
Posted by Poisson
washing dishes and making a sandwich.

Yeah you do my dishes.
Posted by BalmyTigress
Posted by Nemesis
Posted by BalmyTigress

Though to be honest, I'd really love to feel like a woman in a more sensual and sexual sense. It would just require a very masculine counterpart and those are few and far between.

in which sense? do you mean as in dressing and appearing feminine? exposing yourself?

I suppose it would be about exposing oneself, just not literally (though that can be part of it, of course).
To be able to trust a man and know that he wouldn't let anything bad happen to you, and you can relax and allow yourself to be vulnerable in his presence. He'll envelop you in his protection, but will also penetrate you, metaphorically and/or literally.
click to expand

Posted by IntriguedScorp
I'm thinking a couple bottles of wine are in order this evening when I go out to dinner with my besets Scorpio female friend. We've got shit to talk about. mwhahahaha Devil

Enjoy yourself Intrigued, dinner with water besties never ceases to be amazing!