Posted by Amandus
Just tell her however you want to. Leos and leo influenced people love knowing they are liked.
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Posted by IntriguedScorp
The funny thing is that Saturn has a ring which is pretty much just planetary debris. I wonder how that plays into things astrological speaking? Just a musing.
Posted by rockyroadicecreamPosted by aquarius09
My ex's bday was Sept 29 and he couldn't help but be a douchebag. He turned out to be a gigolo selling himself to random women on kijiji. Sept 29 would be a regular, everyday libra.
I don't know, Rocky, but there is a difference between libra/scorp cusp and regular libras. I speak with regards to friendship because I no longer date this sign. Lol. However, I do keep them as friends and I have tons of libra male and libra/scorp cusp. In terms of friendship, I've found that libra/scorps have a backbone which they gt from their scorp side. Also they are on the feisty side. Another difference I've noticed with libra/scorp is they don't have this incessant need to keep ex around, especially if the presence of the ex is causing grief to your current partner.
In the friend department, both seem equally as flaky and do shit for self serving reasons. *shrugs*
I'd believe the backbone bit though. My ex had the balls to state what he wanted from the beginning and sat me down and talked to me when he wanted to end it.
This one has never really bothered bringing up what he wants, seems shyer, and though his actions have shown me he's not that into me, he still contacts me on a semi consistent basis. No idea why, but he does. :/ (lack of backbone)click to expand
Posted by Poisson
washing dishes and making a sandwich.
Posted by BalmyTigressPosted by NemesisPosted by BalmyTigress
Though to be honest, I'd really love to feel like a woman in a more sensual and sexual sense. It would just require a very masculine counterpart and those are few and far between.
in which sense? do you mean as in dressing and appearing feminine? exposing yourself?
I suppose it would be about exposing oneself, just not literally (though that can be part of it, of course).
To be able to trust a man and know that he wouldn't let anything bad happen to you, and you can relax and allow yourself to be vulnerable in his presence. He'll envelop you in his protection, but will also penetrate you, metaphorically and/or to expand
Posted by IntriguedScorp
I'm thinking a couple bottles of wine are in order this evening when I go out to dinner with my besets Scorpio female friend. We've got shit to talk about. mwhahahaha
Posted by everevolvingepithet
What's the standard definition of 'hot chick'?
Whatever someone's tastes are, if the girl tries to lead them a merry dance most guys will trail off anyways, imo. I think if most guys were more honest with themselves they'd admit they find most girls pretty anyways, unless they themselves think they're hotter than they actually are.
Ah the dream big thing! Well, it's kinda a funny story, bit of a strange one but I may get back to this thread and add more at some point lol.
Posted by TaureanAries
Taureans are the bulls for a very good reason. We are content to sit in the paddock and chew at the grass, enjoying the sunshine, the fresh air and generally indulging our senses. Do not expect to be able to hurtle over our fence and rush straight up to us. What would happen if you did that to a real bull? CHARGE!
Posted by TaureanAries
If you come to our fenceline everyday and chat to us, let us become familiar with your voice and your ways....befriend us...maybe, just maybe we might indulge you with an acknowledgement. This is not the time to jump the fence and throw a rope over our neck.
Posted by TaureanAries
If you wonder why your bull disappears? Maybe have a look at how you are behaving at the fenceline. Are you trying to throw the rope over our neck too quickly? Have you taken the time to gain our trust?click to expand
Posted by everevolvingepithet
What's the standard definition of 'hot chick'?
Whatever someone's tastes are, if the girl tries to lead them a merry dance most guys will trail off anyways, imo. I think if most guys were more honest with themselves they'd admit they find most girls pretty anyways, unless they themselves think they're hotter than they actually are.
Ah the dream big thing! Well, it's kinda a funny story, bit of a strange one but I may get back to this thread and add more at some point lol.
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