I think us Virgos recieve more hate. We're very critical; not only on ourselves, but towards others as well. They don't understand that we judge people and things with the intention of improving them. If I say I don't like your hair, it doesn't mean I'm hating on you and I want to insult you; it means I think you'd look better with another hair style , and I want you to look/do your best. Being honest and trying to better people's situations is partly how we demonstrate our love & care for others; we're sort of like mothers, lol. People don't understand this, though, so they complain about us. Capricorns are very pessimistic and can be bossy, but I don't think people feel as offended by them than by us, Virgos. Even if we're hated, we're still the #1 most successful zodiac sign! There are more billionaires that are Virgos than any other zodiac sign, so we must be doing something right!
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Mar 30, 2012Comments: 1243 · Posts: 16617 · Topics: 170
Tiz, you need to remember one very important thing- you are not a female dating. Remember that. You are NOT a female dating. You are male. You think differently. You do not have estrogen working against you.
The last thing you need to be doing is giving a fixed sign some promise in bullshit behavior that generally is known to be something not to get sucked into. We're all telling her not to bother, that he's looking for ego stroking, and you're over here, "OH HE HAS FEELINGS." Guess what most women would zero in on in all these comments? "OH HE LIKES ME!!" And cue her hanging on to a snippet of nothing, which was oh so obvious from the beginning. It happens all the damned time.
Hopefully the OP will figure things out and do what's best for her, but I think you're doing a major disservice in the advice department by perpetuating false hope here. I am not the only one that's noticed this from you in your advice, either. The Libran male perspective is appreciated, but encouraging obvious dating no-nos when it's a very different playing field for women, is not.
Signed Up:
Dec 20, 2011Comments: 362 · Posts: 10167 · Topics: 100
Maybe you feel like sexy times? or some guy is making you feel like sexy times? or maybe you want to pee on someone? *shrugs*