Do Virgo's or Cap's get hated on more?

I think us Virgos recieve more hate. We're very critical; not only on ourselves, but towards others as well. They don't understand that we judge people and things with the intention of improving them. If I say I don't like your hair, it doesn't mean I'm hating on you and I want to insult you; it means I think you'd look better with another hair style , and I want you to look/do your best. Being honest and trying to better people's situations is partly how we demonstrate our love & care for others; we're sort of like mothers, lol. People don't understand this, though, so they complain about us. Capricorns are very pessimistic and can be bossy, but I don't think people feel as offended by them than by us, Virgos. Even if we're hated, we're still the #1 most successful zodiac sign! There are more billionaires that are Virgos than any other zodiac sign, so we must be doing something right!

Related Messages

Posted by Poisson
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
Posted by Poisson
washing dishes and making a sandwich.

Yeah you do my dishes.

only if you change the fan belt on my car.
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Well that would make it seem like having a male change your fan belt makes you feel like a women.
Big Grin
Also I need to find a beanie because it's cold and now I don't have hair anymore and I can feel the breeze Sad firstworldproblems
Posted by capgirl69
I married an athiest.

that's ^^^ WHY you got bibles

and same principal with topic ... it makes the insinuation that you think they are financially reckless

Thanks for the tip, though ... I'm gonna read it myself
Tiz, you need to remember one very important thing- you are not a female dating. Remember that. You are NOT a female dating. You are male. You think differently. You do not have estrogen working against you.
The last thing you need to be doing is giving a fixed sign some promise in bullshit behavior that generally is known to be something not to get sucked into. We're all telling her not to bother, that he's looking for ego stroking, and you're over here, "OH HE HAS FEELINGS." Guess what most women would zero in on in all these comments? "OH HE LIKES ME!!" And cue her hanging on to a snippet of nothing, which was oh so obvious from the beginning. It happens all the damned time.
Hopefully the OP will figure things out and do what's best for her, but I think you're doing a major disservice in the advice department by perpetuating false hope here. I am not the only one that's noticed this from you in your advice, either. The Libran male perspective is appreciated, but encouraging obvious dating no-nos when it's a very different playing field for women, is not.
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by P-Angel
Posted by CluelessCancer
I was complaining to him about my wack ass non supportive bitch coworkers the other day and he says why are you acting like a victim. I'm like dude if i wanted practical advice i would google, i just need someone to hear me out about my situation.

And yet, you fully realize he is not that someone to go complaining too ... and you do it anyway.
So, in reality, you don't practice what you preach to him.
You just need someone to hear you out, while he needs someone who isn't complaining .... you expect him to abide by your wishes .. yet, you aren't considering his neither.

so, pretty much that makes you the same ass you accuse him of ... though, I full realize that women with Princess issues think they are entitled and so therefore, have no self awareness

Shrugs what's the point of being in a relationship if you can't bitch and moan to your lover? Anyways i have shut off my phone, he's left me 3 messages thus far, he needs to learn to behave.

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So, you choose to completely ignore the point and only acknowledge yourself.
Posted by tiziani

No one said anything about putting their life on hold for his feelings until you brought it up.

Posted by Scorpheartbreak24

If so how do I make sure, despite his tour he stays interested? What keeps libra men interested?
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Just knowing how women tend to function, WHAT do you think would possibly happen here based on this response?
Common sense. Use it. If you want to live in lala land, by all means do so. But sucking others into your airy mindset is not cool.
Maybe you feel like sexy times? or some guy is making you feel like sexy times? or maybe you want to pee on someone? *shrugs*
Posted by TauryGemyGir147
do u mean like the user rockyroad? was posting in Gemini forums then 2 girls are "batshit crazy" in her eyes. (me and OP) I mean im only Assuming shes an Older woman in the Manner she speaks.. But its kinda Really Narrow and YoungMinded to call someone batshit crazy.. But i mean what do u expect? Its DXP and im only new here.. This whole forum must be batshit crazy then.

No honey, all people in their early 20s are batshit crazy. Guys, too. Girls are especially. Blame your estrogen. You'll grow out of it.
Posted by starlover
Women improve sexually as they age
Men dont
Bottom line i guess?

So men have the expiration date, not women.
Does this mean that they chase young ass to feel better about their limp dicks?? "THEM YOUNGER GIRLS KNOW NOTHING ABOUT SEXUALITY. SHE WON'T KNOW A LIMP ONE FROM A STIFF ONE, LOL."
Not entirely serious, but this is what popped to mind when I read this.
Posted by Chance11
Posted by PurrHisss
Lol, I believe Rocky means well. She's very blunt, honest, and to-the-point with her advice, but she's not trying to be malicious at all, IMO. She just doesn't sugarcoat things. I really think she genuinely has a good heart and doesn't intentionally try to hurt people's feelings.

representing strong is fine..but you have to actually KnoW something for it not to be a detriment. the thing with most stupid or crazy that they don't know that they are.
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At least I know I know a lot of things, unlike you, who hides under the illusion of being wise and all mighty.
Your Cap ways are see through honey.