So I'm told

Yeah, I didn't hunk much about Gem's..don't really know any irl but the ones around here are Cray! Plus I don't like that Jekyl/Hyde tendency..
lol at wanting to bang the backdoor!!!

Related Messages

Posted by Sugarfoot
Wassup with this thread scenic?

It's a dedication to the Pisces board troll to ask whatever questions she wants since she seems to like talking about me on random threads. : ) figured I'd give her a place to post about it so she doesn't have to ruin other threads. : )
But, like I said, mainly just a gif thread. While we wait.
Can I convince you it wasn't my libra rising? Tongue
Trust me I wish there was a girl in my life, hasn't been so for 4 years and hasn't even come close and I am really just sick of putting my feelings on the line for no reason than letting the other person trample all over it. Love just has to take the backseat for me when I need to look after my bubba.
My view on love isn't as pure as some people think Winking
Posted by CluelessCancer
Let me ask you, cause i do value your advice, what to you should be the benefits in being in a relationship with a person?

Still, you miss the point ... you obviously have no clue that never have I even alluded to stating what I believe.
You seem so short sighted, that you are the only person present for consideration .. in what he values as his benefit in being in a relationship with you isn't even a part of your awareness ... this point eludes you, even with me stating it.
In reality .... if you were to walk in your own shoes, you'd lose your fucking mind over it ... perhaps this is the reason ignorance is considered as bliss
Also, glad to see you made your way into the pond, kraftwerk!
@poisson, that cat is so cute. My cats eat watermelon, too. : )
haha I do like a sexy lady Big Grin *checks bits* yep I'm a man!
Posted by VirgoMerlot
One of the worst mistakes of my life was hooking up with a Capricorn.

LoL, why?
I just met a Virgo about 30min ago. I always see why the signs click. Clicking as friends or lovers is always the puzzling part, especially since I have yet to see a Virgo/Cap success story.
Again, borrowed from Astrotwins' Love Zodiac
The Aquarius man's path to commitment is a delicate dance. Getting there is hell, but once you're in, it's great. He's petrified about losing his freedom and he may regard relationships as potential threats to his autonomy. You'll need to endure a long, exploratory phase, as he evaluates, like a diligent research scientist, whether a relationship will compromise his independence.
Aquarius is a people please, and he's been known to sacrifice his needs to make others happy, only to later escape through the back door. The more aloof and self-contained you are, the more he's likely to chase you. Prepare to hit "snooze" on your biological clock again and again. Don't corner him with ultimatums. Out of the blue he may make his decision that you're the One.
Here's why:
Aquarius is a fixed sign and he's actually really set in his ways. Unlike other signs, he's not able to just orbit around your life. He needs his own solar system, but you can be a shining celestial body rotating happily on your own axis.
Once, he was pushing your buttons and teasing you for being the slightest bit sentimental. Now, he's staring at you with soulful, bassett hound eyes and musing about how you "complete" him.
Words are important to an aquarius man and when he's finally chosen you as the One, he may announce it with a bit of fan fare.
A really good, intense one-on-one evening at his house with significant conversation, chit chat and get to know each other in a completely safe environment.
Hi truecap, how are u? Of course I don't stalk him, I don't have that much time on my hands lol, yes sometimes u do have something to say or ask .....but I've noticed he's very rude at times ...he will say it, so to try to put a stop to it ....I had to say something, direct and confront it. But he did say "lol" (to mean he's joking about it)
I jus was livid, .....because it wasn't true, I had no one say that to me! Anyways I have to really stop contacting him till he contacts me. He did say sorry after and that it was rude of him to say that.
He is busy too I respect that! Does a aquarious man think about u when they disappear or be aloof?
Although he may be sampling your wares every day, Aquarius likes to try before he buys. He wants to be sure you're not expecting some conventional, picket-fence relationship, so he'll discuss it in theory before he puts it into practice.
Even though he favors egalitarian relationships, suddenly he's cooking and opening every door, treating you like a
Goddess. Enjoy it! He likes to play the knight in shining armor - but only if milady can take care of herself. Warning: If you start acting like a full-on damsel in distress, he'll flee. He may be playing the chivalrous gent, but it's more like he's acting out a Dungeons and Dragons, Renaissance Fair role - playing fantasy. He doesn't really want to have to rescue you. He just wants to storm the castle and sweep you off your feet.
Uh-oh, it's another Aquarian romantic science experiment! He's testing you to see how you react. The less you freak out, the more likely he is to respect, admire and desire you. In Men are Mars, Women are from Venus, John Gray asserts that men are like rubber bands- they need to stretch and pull away in order to spring back to their desire for intimacy. Anyone dating an Aquarius man should read up on Gray's theory.
The Aquarius man largely defines himself by the groups with which he's affiliated. If he pursues membership in these "clubs," he wants to be part of your life for the long haul.

Okay, guys, accurate or not?