Does he mean it?

Posted by geminicandle
Posted by Seanna93
Posted by geminicandle
Yeah, the thing is you don't know for sure, and it's quite possible that he did mean it.
So what ya gonna do, you know...what can you do? Do you like him?
I just don't see a Cancer pursuing anyone.

OH I've liked him for like ever! lol I just don't have my heart broken... :/

I don't want your heart broken either, but if it happens? It happens. Not much we can do about it, can we? Not everyone will like us, just like we won't like everyone. That's life. Still, gotta live and love. You have to just try, you know?
click to expand

True, but it ALWAYS happens to me Sad

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Sex is always better without a condom or a femdom... oh but look where it landed me LMAO! jokes jokes.
Jenna Marbles is one funny lady I still love her Kesha video!
Because most of us move forward in life despite or even in spite of our insecurities

This is a good point...moving forward can also mean finding a way to strip away the things you're insecure about, to let your better qualities shine through, which most likely you already have. It's hard to go out there with your heart on your sleeve unless you really don't give a shit what other people think. But, it's never really about other people, just challenging your own assumptions about yourself and knowing you can be better than them.
^ Fail there some sort of bracket you have to put at either end of something you want to quote for a small section?
< width="560" height="315" ="http:

hahaha god, this girl wins the funny award.
yup, its over. He doesn't care.
It was amazing while it lasted
Posted by sharkareteethmachines
I know a man who was diagnosed with NPD. He was a Scorpio. I knew a kid who exhibited all signs of sociopathy. Also a Scorpio. Come to think of it...
I've known some very caring, empathetic and genuinely good Scorpios. But the most selfish, manipulative, and physically dangerous people I've known have all been male Scorpios. And all of them had the volatility of Cancer, but rather than letting out their emotions in short, regular outbursts, they would bottle up all their hate and rage then scheme to hurt people in the most sinister ways... and then strike when the moment was ripe.

My ex-husband is a textbook narcissist, right down to chronic name-dropping (associating himself with 'powerful' people)-- and he was sort of proud of all the horrible things he had done and gotten away with-- but nothing was EVER his fault.
If ever you forgot how amazing he was, he would remind you.

He's Libra with an Aries moon.
Venus, Pluto & Uranus all conjunct in Virgo (stellium?).
Also, a lot of Mars aspects seem to have negatively impacted him.

Mars square Neptune-- this is him, to a T.
Mars opposition Saturn, which is pretty much what you described, above regarding anger.
And Mars square Jupiter-- ugh.
Total persecution complex.

And this is particularly interesting:
Moon opposition Mercury
"The Moon opposition Mercury shows that you have difficulty bringing your emotions into balance with your reasoning; there is distortion between your feelings and your intellectual processes....
You are easily irritated and argue at the slightest provocation."

Sun Opposition Moon-- idk if this is an indicator, but it does say this:
"You will learn to understand yourself through opposition to the world and other people..."

I'm sure there is more, but I'm not sure of the time he was born.

blogger or wordpress... any of the main blogging services tbh. Exposure to more audience if that's what you wanted.
Love takes time to grow and I don't think it's the sort of thing that can happen overnight. It involves knowing someone, not just for their good qualities but for their bad as well, and still loving them anyway. In a new relationship, the bad qualities aren't going to show straight away and when they do, if you've still got your blinkers on, you're not going to recognise them. After a while, when that initial strong attraction and emotion settles down a bit, they may come to the surface. What I'm saying is, everything you go through at the beginning is emotional and subjective; objectivity and logic comes with time. It's a shit, boring thing to base real love on because that rush is so much more exciting but any longetivity in a relationship is going to be based on logic. There potentially comes a time when that massive spark could implode and tear you apart unless you're able to realistically see someone. If you can survive sitting down and talking through problems, which is uncomfortable and unexciting but inevitably necessary at times, that's love.
I'd be very wary of a Scorpio who says he loves you straight away; take it straight from a pentuple Scorpio. It's not that doesn't feel strongly or is lying to you about how he feels but he hasn't learnt how to temper that emotion yet, and doesn't know the difference between infatuation/lust and love. Besides, people who love you don't ignore you for no reason, based on the above.
Hope everything turns out the best for you, you seem like a nice girl and he has to realise that instead of letting whatever's getting to him stop him from doing the decent thing and talking to you openly smile
I hate to admit it, but this hurts so much. Its not even a fact that he doesn't care, but it's my brain telling me its over and its better to be hurt now than later.
I feel like I messed up. I really regret doing some of the things I've done, I think things would've been different....
lol! Up close you're like nooooo get off my dick!