why has he disappeared and made no contact?

i'm here to ask advice from some sane people...you're basically preventing me from being able to use dxp as a tool get some insight on some problems i might have
so i'm asking you again..
will you stop interfering on every single thread of mine.

you're actually mental

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Posted by Jahlia
A poem on the body systems. And last page of the year project. What's up with you?

Bored ad on my mom's iphone.
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Greetings and Salutations, Princess Hannie.
Posted by PiscVirgAquaFish
On a side note... notice how this thread bought out all the water signs. You and s4nd are the only two brave earth signs. haha. I guess because stripping is about fantasy and seduction. Not many fire signs yet. I guess they more into straight sexing.

Eh, we're paying attention.
???Well, last night he brought up the relationship talk which was mentioned once briefly when we first met that he's not looking for one anytime soon.??
Hint #1.
???The more he reveals to me it pulls us closer but at the same time he keeps a distance.??
Caution. One could say it??s typical Taurus behavior. :-p
???I never mention relationships or anything, I'm happy with how things are, he is the one who brings it up and says he's not ready.??
Hint #2. He??s being upfront and clearly telling you that he??s not ready.
???I really like him, I care about him a lot and I can't imagine my days without him. I am happy to take things slow and don't want to rush things, contrary to what I normally do. I just feel a little confused, with his confessions and pullbacks. Is this typical behavior???
He does seem to be saying one thing and doing another. Take note of that. No, I wouldn??t say it??s necessarily typical behavior of any sign, including Taurus. However, it is something that I??ve noticed in many past threads, so...
???I outright asked him last night and he said he cares for his ex still but not the same way he feels for me and there is no one else.??
And yet...
???He is out of a 10 year relationship as of last November, he said he dated an older woman briefly on the place we met but the distance didn't work (among other reasons). This has been his reasoning for not wanting to jump into another relationship and I respect that.??
Hint #3. Out of a long relationship within the last year or so. Probably still in the process of "moving on". Briefly met someone else and distance ???didn??t work (among other reasons)??.
???Again it's the semi mixed signals that confuse me, I told him it confuses me and he said he's confused himself...??
Hint #4. Admits that he is unsure/confused. Take his word for it.
Cancer girls are the best, with Taurus girls at a close second. Basically a photo finish.
Georgia rule!
i dont think any other country encourages "dreams" as much as ours does.
lol, i really dont know that for sure... but i get that impression.
BUT in contrast... no other country has society and expectations built so hard as to squash those very same dreams.
"we've paved paradise and put up a parking lot"
"Overall, he has been consistent and steady with his character,..."
Hm, it doesn??t seem like it.
"He is my best friend, but he is so much more than that to me."
Hm? Best friend? Did I miss something? ::Goes back to first post::
"About a month ago I met a Taurus man online, who just recently turned 29 ..."
Nope. Didn??t miss anything. You only met one month ago, and you already consider this guy your ???best?? friend? I dunno about that...
"Today he told me loves me. In these exact words: I do love you. I just never say it because i don't want to give you false hope, thinking i want a relationship.
Those first few words made me so happy, followed by major disappointment...I told him I don't understand how he can love someone and not be with them.. he went on to say he doesn't know what else to tell me.
I have said nothing else. I don't know what to say. I wasn't asking for a relationship, but it upsets me that the option has been taken away despite him stating he loves me.??
And yet another hint/sign...
???I told him he's the one that wants a relationship I have never mentioned it. He said I'm right, but it's the distance that has him saying no. Also he was in a relationship for 10 years that ended in November, she is a Scorpio, they are still good friends and he admits to caring for her a lot still, which doesn't bother me, I actually admire that.??
Hint #... Well, whatever. He??s making excuses (and has a valid concern about distance), and again, the possible issue of still recovering from the past relationship (10 years with a Scorpio? You??re not gonna heal quickly after breaking up. :-p)
My $ 0.02: he??s emotionally unavailable, and you may want to consider disengaging. That might be difficult for you to think about, but look back at all the things that I noted. He may genuinely care about you, and perhaps want to pursue a relationship eventually, but at this point... Might not be ready.
Then again, I??m a stranger on the internet, so I can only judge by the information that you??ve provided. Ultimately, it is your decision (and his) to make.
That's cool. smile
Nope. He will go back to disappearing. Rinse, repeat...rinse, repeat. Men hear ACTION, not words & if you keep allowing him to come & go whenever he damn well pleases, it won't ever change. You don't allow him to reap the consequences of his bad behavior, but instead reward them.

@Realtalk It has almost been two weeks since I've been back. And so far he managed to reach out to me every day. Some days I have been the one to say "whats up" but he has responded. There was one day where I didn't talk to him all day but he managed to call me at 1130 that night to say he was bothered by it. he said, "you not wasting any time, you just walking away" I told him I am not going to chase him. And he made sure to call me the next morning and stay connected. Another day he called at 4 am - he was awake and thinking he said even though we had talked earlier.
I agree men hear actions and that I am not allowing him to reap the consequences. I do let him get away with a lot. I suppose there is a part of me that doesn't want the drama and the goodbye emotional toll that I could let my emotional, creative cancer side take me on. I'd rather walk away.. still curious but pulled back.
But so far he is showing up. We had a good date this past week. He talked. He shared. I finally met his son and even his mother. And he is still talking as if we've been a couple this past 3 months. lol. Go figure - wish I'd known. I learned he has a horrible memory, and he is charming when full of energy.
And at moment my life has a lot of big transitional events happening, (a move, a death in family, family matters etc.) so perhaps a slowing moving relationship is good for me.
If he goes back to disappearing, he goes. At moment I have enough on my plate.