help with libra male

Busy work is only a excuse . You will hear many from now on... so be ready smile

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(Disclaimer- Do excuse the language)

That singular moment.
When you find out about one thing that has been baffling you for so long, one is suppose to be happy, correct?
No! Simply N.O.!!
What happened next is a whole shit load of puzzle pieces falling into place, god damn fucking puzzle pieces from way back, everything surprisingly fitting in the worst of ways.
This is not suppose to be happening, not here, not now.
What on earth just fucking happened and 'why' on earth do I feel like I have moved without moving?
Did I know anything at all?
A whole fucking mountain of crap come collapsing on you at super high volacity, yes it is one of THOSE days.
Seriously?! I feel like I took the wrong piece of puzzle, I really do. Bloody hell, Bloody Fucking Hell.
This Scorpio feels god damn pissed.
Posted by starlover
Posted by BoomShakalakaBoom
A lot of times indirectly I've ended up tasting my own cum LMAO, when the girls is finished swallowing and she wants to kiss immediately afterwards Tongue not a big deal..

So you wouldnt mind half a glass full then rammed down yer throat smile ?
click to expand

Half a glass?? Who the hell have you been fucking? Mandingo?
Awww.......a Pisces flashing red to a bull and then conquering him! Ole! That's my girl!
Reminds me when Cap said I was daring. It turned out it was not a compliment.
By looking at your chart, transit is currently on going with 4th house ruler, 8th house ruler and your ascendant or 1st house ruler...
Determining death in horoscope involves the activation of any combination of 8th house (covers death), 4th house (represents father) and Ascendant (physical appearance/body) (ruler of the houses)
Since it is your father, we should look at the 4th house and it's ruler, the Sun and Saturn which represents father
4th house also means "the end" which means in physical being it may mean end of physical being ( death for humans)
Pluto conjunct Saturn = despair, feelings of inadequacy, guilt and regret are more likely
Your mercury squares Neptune = creates challenges and obstacles to face and to overcome
Also Pluto and Uranus are back and since they're moving slow we will be experiencing exact square between this two planets (currently happening and will happen again 4 times in the next 2 years)
this might leave you feeling uncertain as major life changes occur whether you're ready or not.
I hope my Jupiter helps me in my explanation and mercury delivers it right...
My condolences and prayer to you my fellow virgin...
The 2nd response on that thread was made by a username that just had their profile deleted.
The count remains the same even tho the post is gone.
Posted by undertow

Going to lay in the bed I made... and find some uncomplicated good-enough-for-now to have fun with until I feel that amazing type of chemistry again. smile Now that I know it exists, I will never settle for less.

So you are going to use someone until you find what you really want? Is that what you are telling us?
Having great chemistry and maintaining a relationship are two different things.
Perhaps you need to stop dating for a while and work on being a more stable person before you mess up another potential relationship. I'm not seeing an attempt to make changes or improvement on why you keep having these problems. You seem to want to jump back in there with some hapless male to feed your ego or inability to be alone.
Drunk texting is a sign of not only poor judgment but, emotional instability. You should be able to wait longer than 5 hours to receive a response. Patience is one of the things you need to work on along with being understanding and not assuming the worst. I know you became smitten with this Leo but one thing you have to understand is that some partners require more space and freedom than others.
I say use this experience as a teaching tool. Good luck.
I've seen a ghost, I've also been grabbed by "something" I couldn't see... my 8th is not very active though, only my Sun resides there. My moon is Gem in the 12th, conjuncts Asc & trines Uranus.
Im not, Im happy with my cum, my age and my body. Thank you smile
My Libra did the same thing,but one thing I do notice they don't play games about their health. But just be watchful I know when me and my libra get into an argument he always say he is in pain.
Posted by starlover
..and we were in amsterdam together recently ~~ great fun! Big Grin

TMI Tongue