why has he disappeared and made no contact?

I??m in a similar situation and I??m also a cap. Don??t know about other caps, but I have been able to cut girls off from my life if I thought they would play games with me or not be upfront with me. Only girl I couldn??t do this with is the one I??m into right now and I have known her for 5 years. I tried to cut her off and actually we both broke down and cried when I tried, which was very new to me. My take on this is that maybe he has been thinking if it would be a wise idea or not to have u in his life. Maybe he has too many feelings towards u and doesn??t feel u are at the same place. Trust me I know how that feels like as I??m in that situation right now, and it sucks when u know u are the perfect person for someone who can??t see it the same way as it is for now. I think u should do what I do, I tell myself that if it is meant to be the two of us together then it will happen some day and if not, then it was never meant to be that way.
Like one guy mentioned us caps like action not words and if we know exactly that u want us and we want u, then we will stick around for the long haul. Sometimes we do change our minds so maybe he will write u if he is ready and believe u won??t be a bad thing for him to have u in his life again. Just my take of course I could be wrong smile

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Posted by james tate

Oh my goodness! smilesmile You Honour my humble abode/thread Mr. Tate! :::hearts:::
Everything I know, I know because of love.?? Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace
He did say I worry too much. And I heard today from a friend that he was talking to this chick about me saying I'm overly attached.
Posted by feby16aqua
Posted by BoomShakalakaBoom
Ive found that when it comes to sex, in the heat of the moment..if the girl is horny enough and truly enjoying you, she will go along with nearly ANYTHING you ask her to do..

+1. I personally love the taste of cum. I love to rub it all over my body too. I think it's so hot to be "marked" like that.
My favorite is cumming on my ass. The good old bang, pull and shoot.
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Damn..that got me hotter than all those gifs you posted Tongue
Posted by PurrHisss
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
^^Aqua Moon?

Yep! Oh, and Mars retrograde in Capricorn, hahaha. Physical violence repulses me.
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Tongue . well sometimes i can be violent, but that's my mars opp saturn, with mars in my 1st house. Sun square Pluto. If you piss me off, other than that, i'm like Sun conjunct Venus.
Posted by tiziani
Posted by BoomShakalakaBoom
Anal is the one thing no girl Ive slept with is open to :/

It's overrated like everything else. I like the symbolic moment where she will open up to you punishing her like that, but one time is enough for me.
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Yeah, to be honest Im not sure I like the idea of giving my dick a cosmetic layer of shit Tongue
Posted by geminicandle
I personally think Aqua men don't get enough love, but they are great guys!!

I suppose. However, I do think we bring it upon ourselves. Fixed signs can be so stupid sometimes about love. I dunno, I just want the genuine article and I'll feel so stupid if I give my all and I come to find out I've been duped.

I dated one aqua guy briefly and raport was pretty amazing intelectually and sexually. Not enough emotions though.
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You know, I'm curious about the 'Not Enough Emotions'. Could you possibly give me a specific example if you don't mind?

Posted by anandsinghbondili
It seems like you have never loved anyone. How stone hearted you are....?

What I meant was wait for her to respond. Leave her alone for a while. Don't overwhelm her with messages.
I had originally thought you messaged her 5 days ago you received no response. I thought she was ignoring you. But, I read it wrong. You just sent it today. Wait. Follow up in three days if you don't get a response. After, that, just stop. If she ignores you, she's not interested. I'm hoping she will respond to you because you obviously like her.
Just don't cross the borderline to desperation.
Posted by BoomShakalakaBoom
Anal is the one thing no girl Ive slept with is open to :/

that I have no problem with. I've done it many times, with only one guy thou cause I loved him. It makes me suspicious thou when a guy loves it, i think gay tendencies lol.