Moving too fast and cold feet

u & ur crazy women

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Ligeia talked about this in Sagtastic's thread. Pretty interesting. I made a research on my own and just found out, I am now a LIBRA! @_@ and my Ascendant is Gemini?! My Moon is still Leo. My Midheaven is now Pisces! And I now have three water placements! @_@
Virgo Sun, and Virgo Moon here. They are both in trine with Neptune and Uranus in Capricorn which softens them immensely and adds wisdom. As such, I am probably the "weakest" Virgo in this forum.
So in addition to analytical, self-deprecating, and reserved I am very sensitive to the environment around me, spiritual, imaginative, and when I'm comfortable, spacey.
On the dark side, just like a true Piscean, I am very prone to escapism. It has always been my drug of choice whenever I find myself unable to deal with difficulty.
On the bright side, it is very easy to inspire myself with my imaginative ability.
lildol, youre such a gem mooner slut!
4 days.
Yeah, she probably had a break down but she obviously got over it as she seemed to live a "good" life. Why didn't she reach out then?
Posted by firebunny
Posted by cunninglinguist
If I were a guy, I'd be all over the porn set. Huge money, guaranteed orgasms, everything done with your pleasure in mind (for guys in straight/non-BDSM porn), fuck all kinds of chicks left and right, and society worships you as a sex god rather than a whore. And then I just read about fluffers. Deal sealed.
Porn is compromising/degrading (often) for women, but not for men. As a man, it would be HEAVEN.
If you were a guy and had the looks/performance for it, would you do porn?

why don't you ask the guys? smile women don't know how it is to be a guy. Winking
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smart smile
Pure curiousity....
Since we talk so much about sun signs...I am curious about how people with this moon placement are.
Since I am a virgo Asc i get some parts of it but I imagine this is a more earthy placement.
Please share.
Posted by Mr. Defense
Posted by CuriousLuv1
Posted by Mr. Defense
Posted by libra08
Posted by CuriousLuv1
Posted by libra08
do you girls have a bucket list of guys of different race you wanna fuck?

No. Actually you just reminded me that I need to make my general bucket list. I usually just sex guys that I really care for "dating". Not just casual although they turned out casual go figure. LOL

i do..
French,black,latino and Italian.
black becuase i wanna see the penis size.,French because i wanna hear dirty french talking and penis size, latino because i love them brown manly physique and the penis size and the passion an italian can bring and the penis size.
so yeah my bucket list was all about the penis size.

Dank we need to get married. I have a French middle name if that counts

I guess she topped me and we are no longer getting married now? :O

Hey I live close to Utah. There I can marry both of you
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Umm No I don't like to share!
Well, this may appear shallow, but messed up teeth are a turn off to me. It's the only physical characteristic that I really can't get past. Not judging them, by any means, but I just plain old don't want to kiss that.
I know they can get them fixed, so why don't they?
Just saying....
Hehe it??s funny because I am in the same situation here with a taurus girl who is also one of my best friends for 5 years and training partner at the gym. She just got seperated from her husband and I could feel that she changed in the way we act towards eachother. We touch alot more than when she was married (not so standoff??ish), but at that time I never thought about her in that way, as to me it was impossible for me to be with her. Everytime we finish our workout and I go to my car and she is walking to her place, we hug everytime. I have told her that I have a hard time with her cause I like her alot and I truly believe she is my soulmate. I am a cap guy and I am good at making the girls laugh and her too of course, and I am good at picking up on things to kind of surprise her with. I know as it is right now we have to take our time and also because she told me "As for right now I see u as this amazing friend and not more" But it is like the chemistry between us is incredible and I know that no one could make her as happy as me. I just hope that she remembers how I am when she is ready for dating and finding a boyfriend again.
At first when she got separated she didn??t want to visit me as she said it probably wasn??t a good idea, which I didn??t understand, but after I opened up and told her face to face "how can something that feels so right be so wrong" she said on our run one day where it was very humid and hot outside that we one day we should jump in the lake, and she was at this party where she texted me, that it would be nice to go by the water and sit and have a couple of beers and I agreed, and told her that we should definitely do that someday.
I myself used to train MMA so I watch all UFC events and the other night I asked her if she wanted to join me and she said she would like to but she had plans she couldn??t get out of, and I thought it was just an excuse, so I wrote her that it was okay if she didn??t want to and she could just tell me if she wasn??t okay with being with me here at my place, and she wrote back that she would like to if she didn??t have those plans already. So it seems she is changing her ways, just hope it will be for the good of her and I thensmile
Maybe if some Taurus women here could give their opinion on this and how I should proceed?
man these Taurus women got us real bad huh Winking
Anyway thanks in advance