Posted by feby16aqua
"Oh for fucks sake" is hilarious!!! haha I've been reunited with that saying like nobody's business, all something I take from being online so much !
Posted by 87scorpio
@s4nd- thanks I think I certainly have that Scorpio stare
@scorpiofish- that's jut a joke isn't it? For women lucky enough to be dyed, you'd think they'd be a bit more appreciative! Sure she has no idea as to why you never called her!
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Is it like the one in your avatar?
Posted by Qbone
Well done Mr. Hawkings.
I am happy that more sophisticated, well educated, well credited and top of the tops boycott these maggots?? israhellis all around the Globe whereas low life sheeples will continue to follow the (choo??fucking??sen people).
Posted by Qbone
... these maggots?? israhellis all around the Globeclick to expand
Posted by Caplove
Candy, I have a few questions for you. How often do you two speak to each other? Is it once a week, once a month, every other month?
Also, has he posted anything on Facebook such as updates, pictures? You know that he's alive, right? Because you said earlier he did check the message you sent him, he just didn't respond to you.
Posted by feby16aqua
sal dis moi, sal donne moi