Moving too fast and cold feet

but yes, beautifulSoul, she is fleeing into my lap so to speak ... so you have the situation surmised well. But I had a vision man ... at least for a moment we were happy and old together.

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My best friend is a cancer and we get along pretty well so i hope everything goes great for you and her. I think you should let her talk about herself too cause some times i have that issue with my best friend: she talks all day about her problems and analyzes every detail and when it's my turn to talk about my problems, it usually lasts for like 5 minutes before she changes the subject back to her. I like to be asked questions about myself, i think you should ask her some things but then again, every person is different from the other. I hope this was helpful, if you need anything else, just post it smile
Posted by feby16aqua
"Oh for fucks sake" is hilarious!!! haha I've been reunited with that saying like nobody's business, all something I take from being online so much ! Tongue

*waves hello at feby*
Is it not amazing? It could be both hilarious and an insult, two for the priceless quantity of one short phrase!
Posted by 87scorpio
@s4nd- thanks I think I certainly have that Scorpio stare Winking
@scorpiofish- that's jut a joke isn't it? For women lucky enough to be dyed, you'd think they'd be a bit more appreciative! Sure she has no idea as to why you never called her!

With people, I am very civil and decent until they prove that they don't deserve to be treated with civility and decency.
It's just that simple.
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Is it like the one in your avatar? smile

Wow, I think that's so cool. Thank you for sharing. So, when you have those dreams, are they distinguishable from your typical dreams? And by they way, we Cancers rovkWinking!
Posted by Qbone
Well done Mr. Hawkings.
I am happy that more sophisticated, well educated, well credited and top of the tops boycott these maggots?? israhellis all around the Globe whereas low life sheeples will continue to follow the (choo??fucking??sen people).

Actually, he buckled under pressure from the BDS movement.
From Hawking's official statement:
???I have received a number of emails from Palestinian academics. They are unanimous that I should respect the boycott. In view of this, I must withdraw from the conference.... "

However, in doing so, he is boycotting the very people who have been working, with much success, on a cure for ALS-- with which Hawking has been suffering for years.
Hawking Shuns Israeli Science

Posted by Qbone

... these maggots?? israhellis all around the Globe
click to expand

Hard to believe that such bigotry is still flourishing-- and worse--that it's becoming socially acceptable.
didn't work with my ex Sad lol she was always seducing others men .
I was going to be real with her and everything , but looks like not her ! she said : I cant do it with someone not close to me , I need contact physic and much more ... and after she '' cheated '' on me ... anyways I saw that coming . you can't trust her lol
Posted by Caplove
Candy, I have a few questions for you. How often do you two speak to each other? Is it once a week, once a month, every other month?
Also, has he posted anything on Facebook such as updates, pictures? You know that he's alive, right? Because you said earlier he did check the message you sent him, he just didn't respond to you.

We speak to each other every week or every couple of weeks, he'll either call me or i'll message him, so now that its a couple of months :O..its a bit worrying..thats the longest we havn't spoken in at least a couple of years, apart from the times where we have argued and intentionally not wanted to speak to each other lol.but thats what makes the whole situation weird because nothingbad happened with us before he disapparead.
Also whats weird is that he told me he didnt ever want to change his number as so many people have it..and now all of a sudden its disconnected :/ and i know people who lose their phones etc who dont have to change their number so its not that.
He did read a message where i asked him what had happened to his phone because i kept getting cut off when i tried to ring..he did read about six weeks ago..and of course in that time i expected him to reply :O
I sent him another message after some friends advise me had a bit more content..that he has not read in at all and its about two weeks now i would say..
hes not really a facebook person..not a regular user at all..he doesnt post anything, no fact a few times he deactivated his account but now he's kept i asssume he comes back on once in a while

Posted by feby16aqua
sal dis moi, sal donne moi

Sade, dit-moi. Sade, donne-moi by Enigma?