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Posted by mr.crabbyPosted by ScorpioFish
Oh, that's rich.
The ignorant, petulant faggot calls me "wasssssssist!!!!111" for explaining to him that it was wrong of Tom Hanks to refer to the Marines and Canadian Soldiers as racists? The same brave souls who saved the Philippines and China from the murderous Japanese?
Go play in the middle of a busy interstate lane after you finish fucking yourself.
How does it feel to be a sad worthless fucktard piece of shit? Is it as bad as being a dumb smelly mentally challenged cunt?click to expand
Posted by Chance11Posted by CreepyPants
i want to hate myself but i can't
it's ok, we can't either
i saw the same giant porcupine two nights in a row during the full moon..i think it's having an extra species tryst with the big raccoon that lives nearbyclick to expand
Posted by PurrHisss
I avoid discussing these things on DXP (mainly because I fight enough already), but Mr.Crabby vs. ScorpioFish is definitely one of the most hilarious guy fights I've seen in a while. I think it should turn into an ongoing feud.
Not too long ago, I commented on Tiziani & Scar's argument, saying it was nice to finally see some dudes fighting. I think this is another great opportunity for the men, so if Tiziani, IncandescentCancer, Sneaky, and Scar want to all join in, that should be interesting. Scar, I know you primarily like to fight with girls, so you'd really be going outside of your comfort zone, but you can do it, buddy!
Mr. Defense would be a nice addition, as well, I think.
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