Do Virgo's or Cap's get hated on more?

I love Virgos.
For the most part, I hate Caps. Winking

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who cares what they like...what do you like
Posted by Pisco26
Haha, nights! For some reason I thought you were a broncos fan. You're a cowboys fan?!

Oh god blasphamy! I despiseee the broncos. I live in Colorado so have to deal with their asses all the time. Blech! haha
Pisces, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aries, Aqua, Leo
Posted by feby16aqua
Hi 08, LCS smile hi everyone smile

hey feby!!! how are you smile
See Feby, you left me high and dry again! LOL
Posted by Slicks
nice firm grip you have there.....

lol but seriously
It means before you punch someone in the face you are going to think about the consequences of doing so. However, if you do decide to punch them in the face you are probably not going to stop until the police come.
Kirk = Aries with a Leo Moon
I recently knew a Scorpio stripper/herion addict and I've known several Aquarius drug addicts, though then I've known Aquarius who aren't drug addicts, so there you go.
Why would you put stripper/drug addict in the same question? All strippers aren't drug addicts and all drug addicts aren't strippers.

I personally have never been a drug addict.