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Apr 09, 2010Comments: 21 · Posts: 4200 · Topics: 67
Why do some people get so upset about certain opinons and want to change/fight/debunk them? I don't get it.
If you like to sleep with men on the first date... go do it. Why do you need to change other's perception of it? It's just consequences. If you don't like the stigma associated to being loose.. don't be or find someone who doesn't care about it.
If a guy wanted to do me on the 1st date... I would loose respect for him, too UNLESS I just wanted sex and nothing else. I wouldn't be looking for much else after that.
If I was interested in a relationship I'd think he was a man whore and yup... sleeping with every girl out there.
Hi everyone,
Can't say I really believe in astrology but sometimes the things I read about my sign, Aquarius, are spot on. I'm interested to learn more about pisces woman, cos my relationship has turned rather sour lately.
So here's my story... Three year relationship with a wonderful woman. We're both 45. Back in February she dumps me. Says our relationship is not working. I'm like, "What do you mean it's not working ??? I thought it was going fine." Sure, we had some disagreements and some fights but that's normal.
Anyway, I did not take it well. Sent long angry abusive emails. If we got together to talk, I would lose my temper and then she wouldn't want to talk any more. After two months of banging my head against a brick wall I started to think, OK it's over. Time to move on. So I started looking at some dating websites and went out for dinner with a woman... and then after dinner to a bar for a drink and then later, back to her place and, well... you can guess the rest. This was not a good experience for me. Only served to convince me more that I wanted to get back with my ex, but it still looked like that was never going to happen.
Until one day back at the beginning of May.
I'm round at her flat for a coffee and I'm saying we can still be friends, yes?
As I stood up to go I said, "Come give me a hug.." Hug turned to kisses and suddenly we're back on. From the hallway to the bedroom.
So, of course, I was very happy. The next day we're in bed at night and she tells me that she went out with another guy... just for a drink. What do I think?
I said, "What you do with other guys when our relationship is finished is none of my business."
Now we know what's coming, don't we?
"...and you? Have you been out with anyone else?"
Now, because I love this woman and I don't want a relationship which is based on a lie, I told her the truth. Yes I went out with someone and we had sex, but don't worry, it was rubbish.
She turned her back on me and I thought it was probably best if I leave, with a few angry words to the effect of, "If you don't like the answer, don't ask the question."
Next day, of course, our relationship was off again. So now I'm really angry... again!
At first I was trying to justify what I did, saying, "You finished with me, remember? I can do what I like! You finish with me, of course I'm going to go with somebody else. What did you expect?"
That didn't wash. And nothing I've said since has washed eithe
Oh, is there a limit on post length ?
Could someone help me interpret Sag and Cap Chart, perhaps this could shed some light on why I don't understand him emotionally at times but overall we get along great and I can see a future with him.
Sun Capricorn 11.37
Moon Capricorn 7.12
Mercury Capricorn 5.43 R
Venus Sagittarius 2.07
Mars Libra 25.39
Jupiter Sagittarius 26.20
Saturn Scorpio 14.06
Uranus Sagittarius 11.15
Neptune Sagittarius 29.26
Pluto Scorpio 1.49
Lilith Pisces 2.28
Asc node Gemini 15.40
Sun Sagittarius 15.14
Moon Virgo 15.18
Mercury Sagittarius 25.06
Venus Sagittarius 23.31
Mars Capricorn 28.00
Jupiter Scorpio 26.10
Saturn Scorpio 0.51
Uranus Sagittarius 5.31
Neptune Sagittarius 26.21
Pluto Libra 28.39
Lilith Capricorn 18.53
Asc node Cancer 4.13
here's part 2...
I said, "OK, it doesn't matter if our relationship was finished or not. All that matters is I've hurt you, which is the last thing I ever want to do, and I'm sorry. I got down on my knees and begged her not to dump me again over this. No go!
So what have we got here ? After three months of listening to her saying we would never get back together, suddenly we did.
After thinking that she doesn't care about me or about our relationship, it seems that she does/did. But I've thrown an enormous spanner in the works by going with somebody else. We're pretty much back exactly where we were before. I say we can still be friends and I hope that one day, she'll come back to me, except now we've got this added problem.
She says that because I went with somebody else, I don't really love her. If I loved her, I wouldn't be capable of having sex with somebody else. A lot of what she says is that all men are the same, only interested in sex, and I've just proved that I'm no different to all the rest.
I tell her I love her now and she's like "Yeah, right!"
I'm determined that from now on I'm not going to get angry any more. That really doesn't help. But I'm at a loss to know what positive things I can do. So frustrating to lose the one you love and there's NOTHING you can do about it.
All I can do is be patient. I hope that in time, she will see that I still love her and then maybe she will come back. Unfortunately, I haven't been very good at the being patient part.
I was sending more whiney emails. Trying not to write anything angry, but they were all something along the lines of... "Why are treating me like this? It's not fair." etc etc
Last night I got told not to send any more messages and it was clearly the last communication there will be for a while. Obviously, I need to step back. I have to give it a few weeks, or even months and then see where we are.
Does anybody see the pisces in this ?
Anyway, that's about it. I welcome any comments. Anybody been in the same situation? Anybody got a magic wand ?
Signed Up:
Apr 09, 2010Comments: 21 · Posts: 4200 · Topics: 67
I think people should keep in mind that water signs may have a more traditional viewpoint in selecting mates... as opposed to having sex than say... an Air sign. Especially dealing with a water sun/moon combo like Damen and DJ.
My Dad Sagg w/Libra Moon married a ho. He likes to sleep around and had no plans on stoping before/during/after the marriage. Her Sagg-self is fine with it. She is a fantastic lady and I loves her. It works for them
Different strokes