A submissive Scorpio, true or false?

Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by IntriguedScorp
@Phoenix. Sag Venus? Interesting. How do you like that?
Also (and this is just between us Scorp girls) my deepest fear is not being able to express the extent of my passions and surrender fully to someone. Now that, my friends, was my Scorp talking. Love ya.

She is quite the Diva I tell you. Her spontaneity and willingness to explore is fully embraced, encouraged and supported by the Queen Scorp , but she often thwarts the Queen's deepest desire to be all consumed by another. Commitment? Saggie turns into a brat . She's allergic to tradition, expectations and conventional approaches to relationships.
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I totally agree regarding the sag part. I have an sagittarius ascendant and capricorn moon and have been told many times that i dont seem like a scorpio...more like a sagittarius. Submitting to someone really would be hard for me, I would become depressed because i am a freedom lover.
Im not a sit at home type at all, and my mate will have to be an on the go type too or else he would bore me and be left behind. I was in an 11 yr relationship with a sag and we were close as two toes in a sock...lol. We were always on the go, was almost as perfect until he dipped of in some of his free time to chase another woman and got busted Tongue

but anyways back to question..no! I cannot submit because i dont like being pushed around and told what to do. I dont like control freaks Sad