Quick simple opinion

Posted by heliumfiasco
Am I holding on too tightly? Looking for answers? Probably. Mind you this is a man who plays massive head games with me. Tells me that being withholding is one of life's pleasures. I think he actually likes me to freak out.
Example of the behavior. Told me for 3 months continuously that he loved me. At least 15 texts that I currently have on my phone. Well we got in a fight that was leading to one of our splits and I said "You tell me you love me, but you can be really cold." This man turns to me and says "I never told you I loved you."... I said "WTF are you talking about. You were the first to say it! You just did two days ago. Should I pull up texts? Did I just make this up?" His reply "Maybe, you did." HOLY HELL BATMAN. The brass balls! The Mind-fuck. Then he NEVER said it again.
I come here for input. I want to be a better person. I want to see others points of view. I really do take and respect everyone's advice on this board.
This "relationship" has become very stressful and addictive for me.
I'm not saying that this doesn't appear dramatic towards him... But SOMEONE or SOMETHING needs to change. If I have to be the one to make decisions to BETTER my life and force myself to leave the situation, then so be it. Honestly, I kind of feel like 1900 miles is the only thing to fix this

I just read through this. Read it again yourself slowly. I don't think it's sunk in. Doesn't matter what sign he is. He's NOT evolved like at all. What man would play around with the L word? It's not a joke. You should have taken that right then and there and said F you and packed your shit and moved on. "Maybe you did" what the hell is that? I mean honestly? I would have had his head. You seem like a really sweet person and I think he's fucking around with your feelings.
A man will treat you the way you ALLOW him too. You have to not be afraid to lose them. And your word is everything. EVERYTHING. Remember that. So if you cheapen your word it becomes meaningless. If you say it DO IT. "Im done" means just that. You walk. You don't look back, you don't call him, you take him off every mode of communication you can. If he texts you jokingly you don't answer. NOTHING. Once you say it if you go back a little piece of your word is chiseled away cheapening it. The more you do it the more worthless it becomes. Then one day you realize wow my word doesn't me

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I am the baby out of 4 children.
My relationship with my family is excellent, except for one brother - Cancer with Pisces moon. He's a pity freak, and nobody in the family ever got along with him. He was shunned many moons ago, due to his refusal to believe he isn't the only person who matters.
My parents were very loving to the kids and they paid a lot of attention to us, gave us lots of support, and everything we ever needed.
Both are passed away now ... dad was a Scorpio, mum was an Aquarius
They never argued, or even had terse words to each other in front of the kids. Anytime there was an issue and we were around, they communicated very calmly with each other, and resolved the issues logically and rationally.
Posted by Mr. Defense
Posted by DAMEN VI
Posted by Mr. Defense
Posted by DAMEN VI
The crazy part is It cost more to take care of a prisoner then it does a student..smh
Tax payers getting fucked over either way..but as black man i could never be proud of this country..i actually celebrate anytime a terrorist bomb this place

Then move to Iraq if you hate this country so much

I would move to africa in a heartbeat if my gf & family came with me..its plenty of nice cities there,but you'd never know it if you base your opinions off what america tells you about that continent

Hey, I live in a city where I have no family. Be a man, shit happens. Don't wait up for them. If they want to see you bad enough they'll follow. If you need any deals on booking some flights, let me know. I know some people who can give you some great deals. Enjoy Africa, hope that works out better for you.
click to expand

Being a loner doesnt make you a man..im just a family oriented person
But yea i'd definitely let you know if anything changes

Posted by Stinger Baby
i trust me all the way. i know that i would never plot behind my own back. so that statement is very bogus. i wouldn't lie to me, nor anyone else for that matter. i wouldnt steal from me, nor try to harm me. nor anyone else. but i cant expect the next person to feel and think like me.
some ppl just have wicked intentions, and we cant reflect that on good hearted decent ppl. the world is full of b.s. - that's what makes untrusting natures.

This is interesting. I wouldn't lie to myself, but I would let myself slip into denial. I can sometimes steal my own joy by being what Id call "realistic" making sure my feet are planted firmly on the ground....Basically, I dont allow myself to get too happy. I can harm myself with negative thoughts that usually causes stress. Sometimes I cant even turn it off.
As far as trusting others...Im very open on the surface. it usually takes time for me to realize many are not trustworthy. By the time Ive exed everyone out it all boils down to me trusting no one. Really though, even as a "controlled(on the surface)" Cap, I dont trust myself.
I guess its fair to say.

lol @ the logic on this one.... but PEDOS!

You're the one who jerks off to the words of Quentin Tarantino, not me.
Guy is a total pedophile or some other form of disgusting sexual deviant, he just hasn't been publicly acknowledged yet.
Tarantino even showed rape porn at one of his "film festivals" a little while back.
He's your kind of guy, douche.

Audio recording and upload >>

I'm gonna make a supersonic man out of you! *headbangs* awww yeah
Posted by feby16aqua
What's going on everyone? smile

lots of drinking is what's up Big Grin
Posted by truecap
Unless we love you unconditionally and trust you completely, there will always be a shield up, so it's hard to let that animal instinct take over. But once we do feel comfortable enough with you to fully let go, you will have awakened a monster! smile

^This made me smile. Cause my Cap GF. Tells me I have created a monster! She is completely in love and let her walls Down. And it helps I dick her down like a Fuckin champ! The sex is completely different with Caps when the love you! & by different I mean better!Take from a man living it now! Winking
Excuse typos sent from my HTC.

Lol harsh but that's true and pretty fucked on the tax thing ey?

The French government is driving ANYONE who has common sense out of the country.
Check out Mr. Gerard Depardieu and his current thoughts on the communists in France's government:

Yes, the 75% + tax rate applies to just about anyone who has decent money there.
...And the marauding muslim gangs who rape women and burn people's homes/cars are unfortunately very, very real.
Posted by DonJohnson
Posted by ScorpioFish

lol @ the logic on this one.... but PEDOS!

You're the one who jerks off to the words of Quentin Tarantino, not me.
Guy is a total pedophile or some other form of disgusting sexual deviant, he just hasn't been publicly acknowledged yet.
Tarantino even showed rape porn at one of his "film festivals" a little while back.
He's your kind of guy, douche.

you are still on that tarantino sh1t?
you are worse than a female.
click to expand

Hey queerbait, you can follow pedophiles all you want.
I will gladly remind you of it, so piss off if you don't want to hear it.