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Posted by Libra911Posted by VirgoHeroPosted by Libra911Posted by VirgoHeroPosted by Libra911
What's up with virgos? Next to cancers, they seem to be one of the most "complicating" sign... :/ hmm VH - you are fighting against all odds here lol
I have my charms, Leebs
I'm rather addicting.
Obv virgos are addicting, look what u all are doing on this site, u are causing a chaos.
Haha I never quite figured out why. It's easy with me.
Let's have copious amounts of sex, share good meals, and have great conversations. Everything else is petty bullshit.
That's what they all say
Just look at this thread:
lol@ the comment: "It's like getting your soul sucked by a death eater."click to expand
Posted by TheLadyScorpioPosted by VirgoHeroPosted by TheLadyScorpio
One simply realizes, VH does not need to even build a harem unlike other men whom roam around these boards, he has the harem come to him, in offering.
Oh the irony!
LS, so I just read up on this guy. So he was the main love interest the ENTIRE time of the series?
In general the entire series, revolves around Carrie finding love with her group of well-off, successful and still beautiful girl friends, their untypical life stories, all laid forth without much of a filter, hence much talk about sexual escapades etc. Carrie was always in search of the one and throughout, we see her going through a series of men (i.e. Russian dancers/artist too) with her main partners being Aidan and Mr.Big, the latter whom she eventually marries.click to expand
Posted by DonJohnsonPosted by LunarMaidenPosted by DonJohnson
ur anger and physical explosiveness
Depends on the situation but I am quick tempered.
But then it blows over quickly once I have given the object of my anger a piece of my mind.
I am also very physical, I throw things even people.
yup if you were man. you'd be an elite athlete or a violent criminal.
the inclination in your chart is absolutely insane.
Being a female tones it down.
Mike Tyson isn't even as explosive as you LOL. He's cancer sun sagg moon but with gemini mars.... not ARIES mars like you lol
Another guy with cancer sun, sagg moon is Michael Vick. Another super explosive elite athlete and his mars is in virgo. Not in ARIES like you lol
You also have the most athletic rising sign in Sagg.click to expand
Posted by Libra911Posted by VirgoHero
So I just finished reading the storyline on this Mr. Big.
Wow, you ladies couldn't have picked a more PERFECT character that typifies Virgo males. Emotionally unavailable and horrible at fulfilling he needs.
This show center around this dude and Carrie?!?!
So virgos males are emotionally unavailable? Had no idea, but carry onclick to expand
Posted by Libra911
VH - you never saw even one episode??? I am shocked lol
Posted by DonJohnsonPosted by LunarMaidenPosted by DonJohnsonPosted by chopstickcharmerPosted by LunarMaidenPosted by DonJohnson
ur anger and physical explosiveness
Depends on the situation but I am quick tempered.
But then it blows over quickly once I have given the object of my anger a piece of my mind.
I am also very physical, I throw things even people.
yeah i'm a thrower too, telephones, sports bottles, pens.
I'm a puncher and a stabber.
I punched at least 5 holes in my old place. I haven't stabbed anyone for a while but when I was younger I stabbed 2 classmates with pens. lol
OMG I love punching. But my hands hurt afterwards.
My nails don't look so good after either. smh
I like to feel the flesh in my hands.
So I take objects and hit people with them.
I enjoy jumping and running and fighting.
Punching and kicking genitals are nice too.
I used to wrestle the boys when I was in grade school.
Fractured my finger once, didn't fall right.
My father sat me down and told me as a girl I was vulnerable and couldn't do those things.
I was not a happy kid. Got picked on all the time, when they would say they wanted to fight me after school I actually waited for them outside. I couldn't wait. LOL
Someone nicked named me the Matrix.
lmao. that's my childhood. "fight me after school."click to expand
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