Posted by CluelessCancerPosted by LostinmyMind11
^^^ good god CC..
LMAO that's what i would do if i met the right man..seriously...nobody has made me want to give my total giving to expand
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Posted by DonJohnsonPosted by LunarMaidenPosted by DonJohnsonPosted by chopstickcharmerPosted by LunarMaidenPosted by DonJohnson
ur anger and physical explosiveness
Depends on the situation but I am quick tempered.
But then it blows over quickly once I have given the object of my anger a piece of my mind.
I am also very physical, I throw things even people.
yeah i'm a thrower too, telephones, sports bottles, pens.
I'm a puncher and a stabber.
I punched at least 5 holes in my old place. I haven't stabbed anyone for a while but when I was younger I stabbed 2 classmates with pens. lol
OMG I love punching. But my hands hurt afterwards.
My nails don't look so good after either. smh
I like to feel the flesh in my hands.
So I take objects and hit people with them.
I enjoy jumping and running and fighting.
Punching and kicking genitals are nice too.
I used to wrestle the boys when I was in grade school.
Fractured my finger once, didn't fall right.
My father sat me down and told me as a girl I was vulnerable and couldn't do those things.
I was not a happy kid. Got picked on all the time, when they would say they wanted to fight me after school I actually waited for them outside. I couldn't wait. LOL
Someone nicked named me the Matrix.
lmao. that's my childhood. "fight me after school."click to expand
Posted by Libra911Posted by TheLadyScorpioPosted by feby16aqua
Well I'm not offering anything. And I'm carrie
Awaiting your dark royal blue Manolo? In proposal...placed within a shoe closet on a penthouse in the middle of New York?
Those Manolo shoes became so famous because of the show, and I never saw any that I like. For sure they made some special ones just for the show, because the ones I see in stores are not that hotclick to expand
Posted by MontgomeryPosted by Qbone
And of course... What that fucking Zionist web site says is the ultimate truth for your small mind??_
Good to know that where your small mind orbiting??_From now on you are on my never mind list??_ good job.
You do realize that it was your source-- not mine.
lolclick to expand
Posted by TheMoodyVulcanPosted by CluelessCancer
Whoa he's extremely hot.
Yes, yes he is. A little more butch more than I typically like them, but he's a Sag so I'll take him anyways lol.
Ian "smolder holder" Somerhalder
AKA Damon Salvatoreclick to expand
Posted by CluelessCancerPosted by geminicandlePosted by CluelessCancer
Read the Virgos and TRUST thread, you'll get alot of insight there Gemini. I think you guys can work well together, cause you have a Cancer moon.
Good luck.
I actually have a leo moon. Cancer venus though
And thanks. Never met a virgo before...
That might be a problem. You need to tone that Leo down. Way to expand
Posted by chopstickcharmerPosted by LunarMaidenPosted by chopstickcharmerPosted by DonJohnsonPosted by chopstickcharmerPosted by LunarMaidenPosted by DonJohnson
ur anger and physical explosiveness
Depends on the situation but I am quick tempered.
But then it blows over quickly once I have given the object of my anger a piece of my mind.
I am also very physical, I throw things even people.
yeah i'm a thrower too, telephones, sports bottles, pens.
I'm a puncher and a stabber.
I punched at least 5 holes in my old place. I haven't stabbed anyone for a while but when I was younger I stabbed 2 classmates with pens. lol
lmfao at least u don't shoot anyone, i know cancers that don't keep guns coz they know they just might.
I would totally shoot someone.
lulz on what grounds?click to expand
Posted by feby16aqua
Ok I'm in. VH get ready for a wild ride with me
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