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Aug 12, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 4771 · Topics: 30
From my experiences with Virgo men...
Shy, methodical, observant, charming, introverted, funny, active listener, cool, laid back....
Mutable when initially courting you, which means at any time their interest in you can turn into disinterest...
My advice: Keep them interested!
But once the assessment/selection process is complete, and he decided you're 'it' their personalities can become somewhat 'fixed'...expect a partner who is loyal, loving, and protective.
Wow, congratulations! Wish you two the utmost happiness!!!
The Aqua aloofness is so hard to deal with, especially with Leo placements who need a lot of nurturing and care. >w
Hey OP! I'm happy for you. It's hard to find that "thing" that will shatter the pedestal we place people on. Hope is a double-edged sword. I'm glad you feel liberated from his clutches.
I don't know too much about this, but I'd really rather not fight. Fights can be nasty. People are going to have disagreements sure, but can you keep yourself from getting nasty and can you keep yourself from walking away?
My grandmother used to say, "Don't go to bed angry." That level of commitment to the relationship seems key. You have to be able to forgive people pretty quickly in order to achieve that.
The longest relationships I've had were pretty much based on the idea that we weren't going to just walk away at the drop of a hat, and we had to work on our communication in order to avoid disagreements that became "fights."
I think the type of communication that she's talking about takes time and commitment in order to develop between two people who really want to be together.
I've been with a Taurus and I am currently seeing an Aquarius.
I love Air signs though
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Apr 18, 2013Comments: 3 · Posts: 198 · Topics: 15
I've been married twice, yet I've never proposed. Both my ex wife and current wife proposed to me. lol
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Jan 19, 2013Comments: 2 · Posts: 641 · Topics: 43
not shy, can express my feelings if that's what I want. but not without any signs of interest from him. in fact he should have been the one to show interest first. it would be tough for me to be the initiator. he has to give a sign for me to muster the courage to bring it up. hmm.. though signs n lights do not guarantee a positive response hehe. I could be blamed of misreading the signals haha. but bottomline is I am not shy to confess if I don't think it is one sided.
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Jul 24, 2012Comments: 3 · Posts: 3294 · Topics: 45
Ladies, where are you respective Mars placed...if you don't mind sharing. Both sign and house please.