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Posted by TamiaPosted by cheekyfaeriePosted by TamiaPosted by cheekyfaeriePosted by Tamia
I mean until one of you tells me your Jesus Christ, we as humans have no right to say who can or can't be forgiven. It's wrong sag
you sound incredibly bitter. people get to decide who they get to keep in their life and who they let go. regardless of sun sign.
as for being depressed over a mistake. who cares? it's no adult's job to babysit another adult's emotions. if somebody messes up, they need to be prepared for consequences.
Wow. This is sad. How society is acting toward human beings. No I'm not bitter. Just goes to show that we are living in end times cause people are careless.
I'm not being cruel. Even a child understands that bad behavior has consequences. It's how we learn from our mistakes.
As for the other, life's too short to surround yourself with the wrong people.
And whether you mean to or not, you're coming off bitter.
But it seams like you are being cruel. Even people who did me wrong deserves forgiveness and I have and still talk to them.click to expand
Posted by guiwaterdaymaster
Problems in this world will not be solved by dividing into two extreme groups that both the Rep. and Dem. now have come to represent...
We will have a public out cry to get along or they will be fired... the problem is they are all cheating us out of our money... by working with their friends on wall street and even together... So don't forget these two groups Rep. and Dem... both are working together to get rich and make us all poor...
Wake up... if no one is getting results then firer them... all even if you have to... both side...
I think 2 reasonable people from both sides normal every day people of adv. intelligence could sit down and do better then this...
This only goes on because the American population lets it... and as long as both side can play the game they will because they are getting rich...
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