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Posted by everevolvingepithetPosted by IntriguedScorp
And his administration COVERED IT UP by blaming an American citizen (a filmmaker) for the attack for 5 weeks. Who does that?
Americans?click to expand
Posted by chopstickcharmerPosted by Xin
It's the element of danger and mystery when it comes to bad boys. This is why I like Scorpio's so much. Id prefer a "nice" guy but most "nice" guys have zero concept of what balance means. Don't over do it. They smother you, go all out, emotionally suffocate you to the point that you throw their ass right into the friend zone.
scorp's don't suffocate you?click to expand
Posted by truecap
I wasn't picking on anyone in particular, by the way. Just amusing myself witnessing the contradictions.
Posted by everevolvingepithetPosted by xygeneration
Si half black and white makes what?
Sexual chocolate?click to expand
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