People getting exactly what they deserve

Posted by PurrrrrrHissssss
Posted by BalmyTigress
Posted by beautifulsoul74
@Balmy: I agree totally. Hence why karma exists. If more people learned what they're suppose to or had simple compassion then there would be less bad situations. But a lot of us operate out of ego and put ourselves first and foremost. If we learned that self survival depends more on what we do for others than ourselves things would be a lot better. By doing for others, you do for self. We do the opposite.

Isn't that why we're supposed to help each other, and not condemn? To point out gently that perhaps there was a flaw in thinking or acting somewhere along the way that others could see even if the person in question couldn't. We're all in the same boat. We're all equal and going through the human experience, even if it is a different experience for each of us.
...and I'm not claiming to be perfect :-) I do stupid stuff all the time and hope that others would point out (gently) when I do wrong. None of us can see clearly.

The problem is that some people equate compassion with stupidity or weakness, and choose to exploit those who offer it to them, triggering more negativity and problems.
These people tend to do a whole lot of damage to a whole lot of people.
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True but don't let that change you

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Posted by LibrDude89
I would play it cool if I were you Lysander. I'm inclined to say that this girl may be interested in you but maybe your professional relationship or her wanting to see if you are seriously into her is making act the way you described but that's just MHO. Maybe she's into you, maybe she isn't, it's hard to say at this point and her friend's angle isn't quite clear so I would wait to see how things pan out in the next couple of weeks and just do your thing meanwhile.

Care to explain why you and this dude have the same IP?
Are you seriously trying to create other screen names to chime in on your own advice thread?? :/
Melbourne, Australia... Its winter there now but there are lots of hot men its worth a trip down under! And I don't know why but there is a beard phenomena going on there, don't know why its so damn sexy?
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my question: next time i see her should i go up to her and just apologize for everything that has happened and tell her i will just mind my own business from now on? how would she respond do you think? would she accept if it's face to face or should i message her again? :/
her chart:
sun: libra
moon: leo
Posted by EccentricUranian
Posted by Libra911
Breed? I think having a dog as a chick magnet is better for guys. Girls go crazy just to cuddle it smile

Note to self, "Trade race car for dog."
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shes not lying lol when my pit was a pup she had all the girls gawking
Posted by chopstickcharmer
Posted by Libra911
Breed? I think having a dog as a chick magnet is better for guys. Girls go crazy just to cuddle it smile


click to expand

Yep that's my cookie smile She's gorgeous!!
I recently became interested more profoundly and in astrology after years reading stuff on magazines, books and the internet (like these forums) and I always felt like a true Libra but it turns out I am:
Rising sign:Scorpio
Venus: Scorpio
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It seems odd to have so much Scorpio...I would like to hear you honest thoughts and insights please if any.
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I've had two get in touch within 6 hours?
One is problematic; his life is super complicated to the point that he made an about turn a couple of weeks ago about our new relationship and decided he couldn't be in it. Typically it's been a drawn out break up and 2 weeks ago he had a minor meltdown and disappeared. Now he is back and tells me he needed a break to sort himself, that he had, and he's sorry and hoped he hadn't upset me too much...
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Posted by RaeofSun
I'm a lefty! I eat, write and brush my teeth with my left and do everything else with my right. For soccer, I kick with both feet :-)

Thought you kick with your sexy lips ummmmmmmmmm
Your question being "where do you meet hot guys?"
Sporting events, gyms, walking dogs etc...
sometimes you have to extend yourself if you want to find smile