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Posted by MzSag1201
(I know how to make the dough rise this time.)
Posted by MilkySoft
Taureans are a bunch of slow, boring, fatasses.
Posted by feby16aqua
LOL. I do love the beach so I will try and go every weekend. It's relaxing to me
I had a latte. Pretzels too many a double fuck. a protein bar. chicken and vegetables...but way too big of a portion. 3 boiled eggs and too much cheese.
Uggh. Ok. I'll balance it out.
Posted by feby16aqua
My legs are SOOO sore I can't even straighten them out when I walk...it looks like I just got something really good haha.
Posted by everevolvingepithetPosted by aquapiscescuspPosted by everevolvingepithetPosted by aquapiscescuspPosted by everevolvingepithetPosted by aquapiscescusp
You are working? nahhhh
Well, helping my dad, it's not exactly work.
aww that's alright
don't get into trouble or anything....
I won't it's free and gets me out of the house lol
Free is good...
Well it's helping my dad lol not work work.click to expand
Posted by krebbsmann
definitely into you...i will do something of the sorts with my love interest too... have patience. he ll make the move.
mr crabby dp still disturbs me :p
Posted by feby16aquaPosted by aquapiscescuspPosted by feby16aqua
My legs are SOOO sore I can't even straighten them out when I walk...it looks like I just got something really good haha.
WTH you been up to?
Squats!Heavy squats. I did them with a bar under my heel.
click to expand
Posted by Este8Posted by shellshocker
I appreciate your experience and I'm not judging you. It just seemed to me that your opinion came from a painful place that really didn't have much to do with the OP.. but more about your personal views. She was asking about Cancers and mixed messages.
I'm not a long term married person, nor do I think leaving a miserable marriage is a sign of weakness. I didn't say any of that stuff... you are presuming a lot.
Sorry if I presumed and I appreciate you not coming down on my like a ton of bricks. Being single at 43 going on 44 is not easy and I feel like a failure. That's part of the reason why I know I'm not ready for love again. But really I'm just speaking from my own history and the history of my girlfriends. Yeah, sometimes mixed messages aren't a sign of real problems but crossed wires & misunderstandings. It's just the realest relationships I've had did flow alot more easily and the ones I agonized over did not. Anyway, just my take and thanks for your honest but kind response. I appreciate it.click to expand
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