Do Leo man play hard to get?

Hello everyone,
seraph - thx for the advise. I know you're right!
geminicandle - thx for the tough love. I needed thatsmile
tiziani - thx for the different point of view. I really find it enlightening.
I'm usually not like this. I never take guys i meet in the club seriously. I just broke up with my ex a couple of months ago and going to the clubs with my girlfriends to de-stress myself. The usual pattern would be if the guy dance well enough i would dance with him. Then he would buy me a drink, we would talk and dance again. Then, for some reason he thinks I'm his, he gets territorial and demanding or do whatever I ask him to do. (this is when I lose interest in him)
But, in this guys case. It's totally different. He shows absolute interest, showers me with compliments etc. then pulls away easily. I even decided to kiss him which is a big step and personal one for me. He wanted it, he kissed me then he pulls away while I'm still enjoying the kiss. We look at each other for a long time then I pulled him in for a kiss. he made me fall in love with him. I find myself being jealous and demanding in the end. i hope this feeling go away. I'm not sure how to act when I see him again. To be honest, i dont want to dance with him, talk to him or be anywhere near him as it would betray my feelings.
Any ideas how does a leo like a women to act in this situation? how do I not appear stupid?