Posted by IrresistableScorp
Scorps can be stubborn to their own detriment too often.
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Posted by taurusbagPosted by TheLadyScorpioPosted by feby16aqua
Movies just aren't the same anymore. The deeper plot and appeal to emotions is missing.
They do crank out meaningful films, which may trigger emotional responses with deeper plots but one may find them more often so in foreign and independent films. My opinion of course.
i like the indies and foreign ones as well. tv is at it's golden age to expand
Posted by tiziani
Genius idea for a thread btw. Just take well loved movie scenarios and see how much purchase they get in the real world.
"My Virgo hired a limo and jumped out onto my building's fire escape to convince me not to leave town. What do you guys make of this?"
DXP:"Fuck him, he sounds unstable and a sociopath. Does he even care about your feelings? Dump him."
"My Scorpio woman is a nice girl really. She's just a professional prostitute. I see the good in her and I think we could make a go at a life together. What do you think?"
Posted by SirenSting
I'm always after a Virgo, LS. Haha.
They find me, and often times they're so charming that I will gladly comply
Posted by celticlioness
Unfortunately I know only 2 gems but luckily they are my mother and my aunt. Out of all of the people I know these two are simply the best gift givers in the world, every gift is a perfect fit for that person and occassion and every card bought is purchased with such care and with the individuals personality emblazoned on it.
I give the best gifts IF I remember your birthday etc.. But they will not be wrapped up very well, that's if I bother to wrap them at all. I also don't talk much am very quiet spoken and haven't cried a single tear in over 20 years and didn't shed too many prior to that even though i possess that cancer moon. Not very typically Leo, but then we really shouldn't generalise by sun sign.
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