That's what I meant by emailing him and telling him how his slapping your booty made you feel, and how you are going to "punish" him. The more details (the nastier) you can make it, the more he will enjoy it. lol And yes, they are "freaks", it's what I love about them.
So, when the guy calls or text at some point and realize it's not your number and ends up running into you again, then what? Couldn't that all be avoided by being a mature adult and kindly saying no? Then theres no fake number involved, no chance of him calling then and there to make sure the number is real, and you both can go your seperate ways like dignified adults.
Btw, what you've described is NOT kundalini. The Kundalini is actually the "life force" that sits coiled at the base of the spine. When it is awakened and begins to rise, your consciousness begins to rise to higher levels through the chakras. Each higher level of the chakra the kundalini goes through has exalted features with it, meaning that hurting someone else would not be an aspect of the kundalini (as the consciousness raises to higher levels of knowledge).
What you are describing in your original post would be called detachment. You *think* you understand the social matrix, however, by your very actions (hurting others) you are showing that you do NOT understand the social matrix at all.
Signed Up:
May 25, 2012Comments: 122 · Posts: 5590 · Topics: 41
I see. Its not just a Leo moon, we all have a sense of responsibility and duty. It may seem like disappearing but its just us pursuing our goals. Plus, he is probably stressed out and needs time to himself to sort things through. He should say when he needs space but I wouldn't knock him for it.
Relax a little and let it flow _??_We always know when to come home_??
And thank you beautifulsoul. I appreciate the input, very much.
I understand the intention of the woman in the video is to help men who may not know better, but I have never seen a man call any women once he get's her number to check if it's real. So, that is why I maybe looking at this with a different set of eyes compared to other people. If that is what men and women have resorted to, then yea, like OP said whats the point anymore...