Song of the State of your Heart (Mind, Body, Soul)

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This is the last time
That I'm ever gonna come here tonight
This is the last time I will fall
Into a place that fails us all inside
I can see the pain in you
I can see the love in you
But fighting all the demons will take time
It will take time
The angels, they burn inside for us
Are we ever
Are we ever gonna learn to fly?
The devils, they burn inside of us
Are we ever gonna come back down?
Come around
I'm always gonna worry about
The things that could make us cold
This is the last time
That I'm ever gonna give in tonight
Are there angels or devils crawling here?
I just want to know what blurs and what is clear to see
Still I can see the pain in you
And I can see the love in you
And fighting all the demons will take time
It will take time
The angels, they burn inside for us
Are we ever
Are we ever gonna learn to fly?
The devils, they burn inside of us
Are we ever gonna come back down?
Come around
I'm always gonna worry about
The things that could break us
If I were to give in, give it up
And then take a breath, make it deep
'Cause it might be the last one you get
Be the last one that could make us cold
That they could make us cold
I'm always gonna worry about
The things that could make us cold

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hahaha xxoo that would be me lol. im figuring it out little by little im so attracted to you earth woman I love those tats. long sleeves and come off how you woman like it I just wish id see more of that in woman. in fact I did she was a bartender I was ready to make my move but shes already in a relationship with someone smh she had one full sleeve nice tits very gorgeous straight white teeth nice tan slim the way I like it and long black hair
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im really drawn to earth signs though I love them when I did talk to them they did everything for me without me having to ask
Posted by LilliLou
Nice Motown/ Jazz lineup PR!! Love Sarah Vaughan smile

I like her a lot. A Sag "introduced" her to me last year on vinyl, which is so rare now a days. I think he was trying to work some "old school" magic. Lol!
I agree with you that Jesus was a pisces. I kind of feel that if he came back today he would be a scorpio.
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"Sometimes I wish that straight people could step into our shoes, just for a day. Maybe they would start to understand a little more if they had to face a world where they were assaulted, raped, had the crap beaten out of them, murdered, persecuted, imprisoned, declared mentally ill, had BS propaganda spread about them in mass, were denied basic civil liberties that others are allotted freely, were denied medical care or assisted living as they aged, had to live fear even from their own families..."
Certain races understand this very well...
Posted by pinklibra
I love rocky too! lol

I love rocky three!!
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Here are a few fun ones, (the second one is a cover of MJs Billie Jean, but its S-O-L-I-D):
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