Song of the State of your Heart (Mind, Body, Soul)

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geminicandle!!! Oh no!!! Don't miss out on school!!! I need to log out now but I might help you on that. Dropping out from school is a no-no!
Posted by RaeofSun
* sideways

*diagonally...... fuck that was confusing for like 5 seconds!
I'm not a Virgo, just speaking from experience with the one I have dated for the last year. You need to quit obsessing and just live your life. You say you feel he likes you so go with your gut. Give him time to process what you have said and let him make the next call/text. Virgos move very, very, slowly. It can be soooo frustrating but if he's the right guy then what's the rush. Enjoy the journey. You may scare him off if you act too needy/clingy. Wait til you hear from him.
What course are you taking up geminicandle?
Do Crabs also like to have random nonsensical stains on their body? Doesn't seem to be many people who are still clean these days.
Posted by Aine

You haven't pissed anybody off. - You've only pissed yourself off. I've been skimming the last few pages and you're defending yourself against an argument you somehow managed to create in your own head.
You asked for advise, they gave you advise (you didn't like what you heard) and you flipped out and went into total defense mode.
You already know you don't want a LDR, so what's the issue? - Do you want clarification that he's going to come back to you? - The only way to figure that out, is to try... so either you try and find out, or you don't try and never know.
There is no use in arguing over something that doesn't even exist.

OMG THIS^^^^^^^
Do you have any nude pictures of you, piscean?
The user who posted this message has hidden it.
I would never get a tattoo, personally.
Posted by Lizuz
Yeah Caraboo, I hear you.
I guess Sag folk are trying to give you insight into the behaviour. I am not sure that they were saying that his behaviour is okay, it just is. We are all adults here and disappearing is wrong, I agree and I can't be with someone who would do that to me. Sags sometimes, wrongly or rightly, choose that option. For another person, that may be acceptable, for you (and for me) it's a HELL NO! Don't take their opinions on the behaviour personally, they are just telling you the mindset of some Sags and why they do choose that option. They also were saying to you that what you did (as normal as it may be in the real world) to a Sag, deadlines = ultimatums and your action may not be received in the way you intend. That's it, that's all.
Keep your frustration on the man you are frustrated with. You are not being attacked, or at least I did not read it that way. It's really different strokes for different folks Caraboo and for this Gemini, I would not stand for that behaviour either.
I say a clean break is necessary for you and that is the ONLY PERSON you should have as a priority when it comes to your mental health. All the best!

LOL - NOW do you see what I was saying? Winking
It doesn't matter at this moment, regardless. I just got off the phone with him and had been speaking with him for almost 3 hours (I think). He said he totally understood where I was coming from and would have done the same thing had he been in my place, that going from constant contact to barely any contact was not acceptable in his book for potential long-term committed relationships, that he had expected my email 2 months ago, but that he had felt justified being MIA and knew once he was able to talk with me that he would be able to smooth it over. It was NOT related to work, as I had been thinking, but rather to some legal issues. While his work is stressful (with trying to meet deadlines and constant back and forth with the people he contracts with), we had sent hundreds of emails within a matter of 2 months, the third month we were on the phone nightly for 4 hours a night, the 4th and 5th month, we were constantly on Skype with each other, and then suddenly there was nothing but sporadic, minimal contact. It was the suddenness in the change, of going forward full-tilt to almost a dead stop. Anyway, the legal issues were/are valid. Pas