Venus in Sagittarius - Your experiences?

My husband has a Sag Venus ( Cap Sun & Cancer Moon) Mars in Leo
He directly pursued me after We meet in Army training.....we were long distance for a while. He said he knew he wanted to marry me right
We instantly clicked to be honest
I'm a Cancer sun ...Sag Moon& Ascendant my Venus is in Leo
Usually we are talking, laughing and flirting with each other
He is definitely fun loving and Blunt

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i love his music
Posted by Jahlia
How many of us were very silly as children?

Ah bof who wasn't :p
Omg I thought I was going crazy. Good to know others have felt this way? My head and shoulders have been really tight no matter how much I massage them. I cannot fall asleep before 2am and then wake up random times or really early. I have been more sensitive to sounds as well. Like random humming noises for hours like a car is running outside or house creaking from the wind. I did notknow that was because of the moon
only ever drink plain ole lattes, short blacks or long blacks. Lazy Barista. Someone put me off any sort of sweeteners in hot coffee ages ago followed by milk but for some strange reason it's totally fine when I get cold coffees.
Those java chip and matcha flavoured... nom...
umm get some therapy
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Point well take CC...I'm not going to say anything, there's nothing to say that will change anything and/or make me feel better so I will respond w/ silence. I have no expectations of expectations, no disappointments, right?
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Posted by Metaphysical
a slut that wont suck dick, now thats funny.

you can't read
Posted by enfant_terrible
Posted by Sagtastic1
It's nice (you're welcome for the ego stroke) but me personally, I like it clean and tight down there. How do you expect to get tea bagged with a hairy sack?

Actually my tea-bag is in fact shaved in that pic... Winking
The rest of it is just trimmed, but I guess a little funky-looking 'cause the original pic was too dark so I had to play with light and contrast to fix it, which in turn made the whole area appear somewhat hairier than in reality. But yeah thx for the stroke, lol!

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