Song of the State of your Heart (Mind, Body, Soul)

Posted by LilliLou
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PR- still loving your picks! smile

Thanks. This artist is pretty good. Thanks for introducing him to me.

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So, the Aries and I are in a Fantasy Football league. Amongst our small group of 5 friends, including myself, he and I will photoshop funny pics with our faces in it. Well, I did one of him sitting on Santa's lap, I sent it to everyone. He was fine, I mean, he does it to us all the time and we all just laugh and think it's the funniest thing. Well, we are on Fantasy Football, and I used the pic of him sitting on santa's lap for my image.
He got mad and told me to look at his pic, it is a pic of my topless that I sent to him back in the day. He told me that if I'm going to play games, he isn't going to stoop to my level, I'm playing with fire and I need to learn and he will always one up me. WTF? We're talking about a silly pic of him sitting on Santa's lap, and he posted a pic of my boobs for our group of guy friends to see and my dad (he's in the league also). I'm pissed, that pic of my boobs is on a different level here. I told him that if he wanted to post any other funny pic of me to have at it, but this one is private. Lastly, I told him that if he is trying to teach me a lesson, he does that all the time with photos, how can he teach a lesson if he doesn't follow it himself.
I just checked now, he still has the pic up, I'm so pissed I feel like crying, but I don't want to give him a crazy reaction, because I know that is what he wants.
The user who posted this message has hidden it.
Jesus....*decided not to go
Note to self: don't multitask.
Oh I have had that too! I work in a waterpark resort that does not have anything made of pine yet today my coworker and I were the only ones who smelled a strong scent of pine trees. Our coworkers looked at us like we were crazy.
I hate when people don't understand me they just label you crazy or weird. what is weird is you dressed like a 80's reject. take those tight jeans off! you been goodwill hunting at the thrift store?
makes them suckers
Happy Birthday LeoLiza hope it was an awesome and blessed one!
Not sure how many people on here have read Slaughterhouse 5, or any other Kurt Vonnegut stories for that matter, but if you have you probably have noticed how so many of the protagonists in his stories are pisces. In Slaughterhouse 5 the protagonist is Billy Pilgrim, a WWII veteran who is aware of the fourth dimension and is really chill. The book basically follows him through his life in which he ends up helping tons of people by not doing anything but accepting those who come to him. I think that overall the book is about how cooler heads will prevail and to that extent it is, in my opinion, an exultation of Pisces.
Vonnegut was a Scorpio and reading his works I get plenty of Scorpio vibes, mostly in the from of criticism and mistrust. Someone said on here that it is the mission of a Scorpio to open up and trust others and to that extent I think Vonnegut's frequent use of Piscean protagonists and their exultation was his way of opening himself up. Views?
Did ask. He kind of brushed it off. Was just wondering if this is a "Gem" behavior type of thing. I love him but some of what he does is weird and un-necessary.
Happy Birthday!!