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Posted by seraphPosted by Quest4Water
I believe in self-defense and fully support gun ownership. But, I don't wanna end some kid's lives because they made a fool decision at a fool age. It would REALLY depend on *what* they did after entering the home. Did they try to grab some stuff and run (fool) or did they advance aggressively on the bedrooms?
Well this is just it.
If someone breaks into your home, and they're after your stuff (and *not* you), then your own physical person is not in any immediate danger of bodily harm. Now if you aren't being attacked, but your stuff is, those are *items*. Now put what appears to be a few dumb teens into the mix, and you make a choice to actually *take the life* of one or more of them, because of *items*. You're about kill someone's child, brother, etc., because they're after . . . stuff.
There's an ethics component to this, and it doesn't rest solely with the "intruder(s)."
This is exactly why a carte-blanche-to-kill law makes for better (avoidable) tragedies than it does empowerment for reasonable self-defence.
At any rate, I'm less-inclined to view this issue as black-and-white, and certainly not when the ethics component is applicable to both sides.click to expand
Posted by NeurotoxinPosted by MontgomeryPosted by Neurotoxin
So does my wife.
It works out well.
So it's pretty balanced, between the two of you-- one doesn't do more than the other.
Sounds lovely
Plus we both have Libra Mercury, so we're good at talking things out too.
All in all pretty good match.click to expand
Posted by TaurusBull1977Posted by SunTauVenGem
^^ Taurus bull.. sounds like we have a very similar relationship. I do believe Virgo + Taurus just click well. When i am being emotional he often forced me to calm down by " hugging me " ...and it works most of the time. It was a very logical, understanding, thoughtful, peaceful relationship. No games, No disappearing acts , no lack of communication, no lies, very consistent , very happy indeed ...
I think Virgos compliment me very well. Although Bulls and Virgos are both earth signs, they can have different approaches to life situations at times (despite many similarities).
I think they totally get me! I can be quite rigid and bullheaded at times, but he handles it with ease.
Like you, I also had a Scorpio ex. He was real cool. We're still good friends. But the manipulation and the emotional head games was just too much. I think he loved starting shit...somehow gave him a sense of control for his own personal reassurance. Cool as he was, the relationship just had to end.
He always stated that I was difficult to read....and I always told him, avoid the head games, and just simply ask, and I will tell you what you need to know.
Some Scorps (not all) seem to believe that everyone and everything is one big mystery.
Virgos just take the situation as it is....and move accordingly.
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Posted by charliebears
Im scorpio taurus. I pleaseh myself? Lukz!
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