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Oct 04, 2011Comments: 267 · Posts: 3037 · Topics: 43
He's not going to answer it. He just likes to complain about being someones bitch. And that's fine whatever. Just leave him in his own emotional masochistic relationship with himself. Every single thread is like this but every single time he's back at square one.
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Jan 21, 2013Comments: 1412 · Posts: 11166 · Topics: 154
The user who posted this message has hidden it.
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Aug 22, 2013Comments: 35 · Posts: 2533 · Topics: 19
Oh yeah, as far as body parts go the thing with Taurus and neck is painfully true. Even though I get seriously sick maybe once in every 2-3 years, sore throat/irritation is like a daily headache. A little breeze of cold air, biking or jogging, and my throat is down for a few weeks. I make sure to always wear something around my neck to avoid it as much as possible, be it a scarf or a bandana.
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Jan 21, 2013Comments: 1412 · Posts: 11166 · Topics: 154
A voice repeatedly calling out to me.
In desperation, I cry out, attempts at a response- I hear you, I hear you. I am coming.
Reverberating silence.
Each step, pounding rhythms like drums, deeply beating.
In my ears, within my being, at every turn.
A rise and fall, as it swell and ebbs.
Tides as connected to the moon.
Closer, closer, and closer; I go
Screeching screams.
Silent screams
Do you hear them moan out in agony?
Can you fanthom, their escape?
One master key to unleash, like a final act of magical mysteries.
Yet through the manual heave, push and pull.
As these fingers, dig deep, twisting, within me.
These guts, carelessly strewn about.
Yet, no sound.
Not even a hint, of a wisp, of winds, blowing.
Aching, burning in anguish, engulfed in anonymity
Where are you?
Where are you?
Where are you?
An empty expanse, a sea of blank echoes, staring right back at me.
I know I am nowhere near naive. Anyone who knows me knows I have the ability to read people rather well. I get suspicious of any random compliments and start to question the motives of the person.
If someone is sincere however, it can make me like them more. But honestly, who doesn't like to hear good things about themselves?
I never realized how Leo's are actually portrayed until I started reading all these threads. It's rather biased and completely negative at times. I thoroughly think we may be the most misunderstood sign.
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Sep 21, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 785 · Topics: 27
I disagree with the list.
I am a third Decan Virgo male and I find that Cap's either male or female are very compatible with me.
Taurus no way in hell.
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Oct 04, 2011Comments: 267 · Posts: 3037 · Topics: 43
Ok did I say you werent involved with any other females at any time? No what I said is move on and find someone else. Even if you were humping some other girls its still back to this same one. And hell yes you are passive/aggressive.