Posted by StoicGoat
Money = freedom
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Posted by StillWater
lol i don't consider myself boring but i can see why others might.and it's all good.
Posted by lnana04
Thats a good point too Krys.
Kind of continuing a bit from it , and how things were done in the past, I bet the number of women approaching men has tripled as well. It seems back in the day a man went out and found his wife....the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with...asking for a date then her hand in marriage.
Nowadays, more women are told to approach, go get what they want. Men are now excused for being "shy" or having so many
options the women feel she has no choice but to approach him. Then after that, in many cases its the woman that has to remind the man that they cant just live unmarried forever, so she also has to, in many cases, be the one to subtly push for marriage.
So maybe theres not as much of a bond, not as strong of a foundation, not as much respect from the man because it was all never as much of his choice.
Posted by feby16aquaPosted by WaterCupPosted by feby16aqua
A judge-y person is good because they can stay sober. They can:
1. drive
2. talk to police
3. clean up things
4. call for food
5. pick up food
6. make liquor store runs
7. comfort the sick
When pigs fly! But then again, I don't associate with druggies.
I guess you're saying you're a judge-y person? I wasn't talking to to expand
Posted by truecap
A character said this in a book I was reading and it made me go "hmmmmm". Then I started pondering on it and I can actually see how this could be the case at times.
They say caps are very patient people and yes, patience is a virtue.
But, could too much patience (like waiting YEARS on a promotion or a man to propose) be misguided and become cowardice if one is afraid to make a change?
Any thoughts?
Posted by DMVPosted by WaterCupPosted by feby16aqua
A judge-y person is good because they can stay sober. They can:
1. drive
2. talk to police
3. clean up things
4. call for food
5. pick up food
6. make liquor store runs
7. comfort the sick
When pigs fly! But then again, I don't associate with druggies.
play niceclick to expand
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