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Posted by MrWendall
now this is a trick question! if they do not conjunct then there is no synastry aspect...
Posted by sweethearts
Posted by feby16aqua
Yeah but I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about the people who say oh I don't do drugs but use and even abuse alcohol and/or prescription pills. Alcohol is a drug, so are pills. Alcohol ruins more lives than any other drug I've seen or read about.
Posted by theie
My first love was a Taurus girl who i was always emotionally hurting and manipulating
after all this pain she felt in love with me because of Stockholm syndrome
Taurus are actually most materialistic and slow people who cant see shit going on beyond material realm.
Easiest sign to manipulate in my opinion
And i am a scorpio.
Hard signs to manipulate are scorpio,aquarius, pisces...
Posted by Greyhame
lisa you have gone crazy with coke. I suggest another dink.
Posted by theie
My first love was a Taurus girl who i was always emotionally hurting and manipulating
after all this pain she felt in love with me because of Stockholm syndrome
Taurus are actually most materialistic and slow people who cant see shit going on beyond material realm.
Easiest sign to manipulate in my opinion
And i am a scorpio.
Posted by Greyhame
what are you guys doing today? It is another sunny day here in NJ. It has been getting slightly colder and that does annoy me a little.
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