Did I ruin things with Mr.Cap?

You know it's all about sex with the cappy man, right? I'm still not cool with the fact that he lied to you about his age in the first place just to get with you. So your pride kicks in and you tell him that you and him have no real future because of the age difference. This now makes the relationship more of a FWB because it's not going anywhere meaningful. I think it was good that you were able to write all this out, that in itself must help, but I think now you must realize that whatever your relationship could have been in the beginning has now turned into something else. It could change over the years, but it will take alot of effort, and mostly on your part. I've dealt with two men with Venus in Saggitarius, one a cap and one a scorp. They do not like to be fenced in and will always go do their own thing. They are very social and can make friends very easily. That twitter thing? It's probably harmless, but its a Big world out there and he is curious to learn and do as much as possible in it.