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Posted by beautifulsoul74
At Capgirl: if you say you can't respect someone who'd "let you take advantage," aren't you essentially demonstrating weakness by taking advantage? If you know its wrong why do it because "someone lets you." No self control equals weakness. Not saying this is you just illustrating a point. It irritates me to see people say "he/she lets me do this to them" as if that person is responsible for their behavior. You control you. Actually you show less respect for yourself than them for themselves. It means you have no dignity, honor, or integrity.
Posted by beautifulsoul74
Given that in a certain situation strengths can be weaknesses and weaknesses can become strengths I don't think anybody is in a position to say anybody else is weak lol
Posted by May31Baby
I dont think i have daddy issues. Idk what are daddy issues? Far as i understand it i just dont trust guys. But who knows
Champ thats a good idea. I should meet the heffas. Maybe ill like them idk.
An aloha i didnt mean you suggested i look through his phone, i meant idk because i dont check it. Me and him do need to sit down and have a serious convo. If he cant meet me in the middle somehow then its gonna keep being an issue. But i want to work it out
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