Thanks Chrissy.....but would you care to explain this? He didn't call much hut texts were not a problem. This was all in the first THREE to FOUR dates only: these are some of his texts. You left your necklace here. You'll just have to come over to see me again to get it back Xx I keep thinking about you. Xx Can you text me a picture of you? I want to see your face love your beautiful eyes. Xx Good idea. We will need to learn all the things that make you enjoy for future use x Well we can do it on Tuesday. Can't wait to see you. xx Im free Friday. What are you up to? Fancy coming for dinner? Love to see you x Interview went well. I have a second one with them next week. Take time off to spend lots of time together? X How much leave do you have? Next week you could come over and I can take you for a walk in the park, later I can cook you dinner. Then watch a movie before bed? Love to see you Xx Interview is Tuesday at 3. So should know by the end of the wk. Will be nice to get career and life back on track and then concentrate on spending time with you xx