If a Ninja killed your boyfriend or girlfriend?

Posted by Sn1p3r187
Posted by PiscVirgAquaFish
Posted by Sn1p3r187
Posted by PiscVirgAquaFish
Posted by Perspicacity
I'd force him to watch Miley Cyrus' uncensored video for days.

You sadist! Confused

What is that?

Someone who obtains pleasure from inflicting pain on others. I consider being forced to watch a loop of Miley Cyrus twerking cruel and unusual punishment. Tongue

OH GOD!!!! ANYTHING BUT MILEY CYRUS TWERKING!!!! You should better 5 years ago than she does now and I wouldn't have minded than. But now, HELL TO THE NO!!!
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I meant to say she looked way better 5 years ago than she does now.

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Dr 90210 is another sexy libra lol.
CC hit the nail on the head.... I have felt the same way before, that we should be really selective about who we give our love and attention to because the love of a cancer is one of a kind. No one cares like a Cancer, or loves like one. It's not arrogance, but just recognizance of our worth and value.
David you're back...oh how I missed you my friend!! I am sorry for your update. I don??t really have any input except I am going through the same thing with the Scorp I have been seeing for a little over 8 mo. The on and off is gettin old. We just had a great few weeks spending a lot of time together and what I thought getting closer and then this week it appears to be off again. I am not sure why they pull back once they start getting closer. It is funny you mention the selfish thing because my girlfriend and I were just talking today and she said that the Scorp I am seeing is very selfish. For know I am just going to go stone cold quite and give him all the space he needs...because I said all I needed to say last night. I don??t know about yours but mine keeps saying that he isn??t good enough for me and I deserve better. I don??t know why they won??t just let us love on them and why we can??t just enjoy the time we have together and be happy. I feel like I should walk away but I am drawn to him and him me...it sucks cause I just want us to be happy! I'm sharing this with you so you know that you are not the only one going through it...we are doing it together. Kisses to my friend and I hope things turn around.
Posted by Arielle83
Well now you just sound super ghetto and highly aggressive. Good luck with that.

and you sound racist...good luck with that!
Posted by KingVirgo
Maybe it's not the virgo, maybe it's you and you finally realize virgo's don't do it for you.

None of the guys i've been with ever thought so..in fact they had just the opposite view..and im too changeable to be boring..the fact that he doesn't feel bored with me and wants to stay with me is proof that im not the one who is boring!
and he never complained of that either..
Posted by crabberries
Be cautious, read along the internet, search forum ,blogs about taurus man and you will see how they act that causes mess, I think they are the most complained sign.

I think they are too.
Posted by IrresistableScorp
Okay Scorps--October is just around the corner and you KNOW we love the Halloween vibe and all that shite. Time to let out all those morbid, secret thoughts you may have. I'll go first:
I secretly LOVE reading or watching anything that has to do with serial murders. Its like my brain is repulsed but fascinated about how this happens.
I once spent three months reading everything at the library about Nazis and mass murder. I just could not figure out how something like this could happen and I needed to figure it out. I read some fairly disgusting things too like how Nazis got seemingly ordinary people to shoot their neighbors in the head. The psychology behind this fascinates me.
On the other hand, I hate in your face gruesome horror flicks. I really cannot watch someone get their head cut off by a chain saw or anything.
What are your morbid secrets???

lol I must of watched the "serial killers" marathon on the BIO channel I dont know how many times as if I never seen them before...
I wonder why people say such negative things about b control hm. True, the pill I switched to is not working well for me side effect wise so I'm switching back to my old pill, but b control (the pill) in general helped me.
It was common for me not to get my period for 2-5 months at a time and when I did, it would last 1-2 months heavy. I would get nausea when I had to wake up early, cramps that would make me black out etc. the pill has very much dulled those symptoms.
Posted by beautifulsoul74
Posted by truecap
Posted by beautifulsoul74
At Capgirl: if you say you can't respect someone who'd "let you take advantage," aren't you essentially demonstrating weakness by taking advantage? If you know its wrong why do it because "someone lets you." No self control equals weakness. Not saying this is you just illustrating a point. It irritates me to see people say "he/she lets me do this to them" as if that person is responsible for their behavior. You control you. Actually you show less respect for yourself than them for themselves. It means you have no dignity, honor, or integrity.

Its a cap thing. I don't think she meant take advantage in the usual, literal definition of it. Caps have a tendency to be pushy and a little controlling and will just take charge over someone without realizing it. We like men who stand up to us and won't let us do that. Of course, I can't speak for capgirl, but as a fellow female cap, I think I understood what she meant.

I get and respect that as my grandmother...the woman who has instilled the most wisdom in me is a Cap...rest peace. Here's the kicker in what you just said and no its not directed at you. Even "pushing" and masking someone stand up to you can arguably be a weakness because it demonstrates that you're insecure with yourself in several way. Its why calling someone weak and even strong simply opens Pandora's box.
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By the same token, a capricorn's stoic "strength" is a weakness. We appear strong, but at the same time, inside we are shutting down and unwilling to show the emotions we are actually feeling.