Posted by piranhaparadiise
your big mistake was trying to help him so early on...and after being out of a relationship not too long ago...
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Posted by tiziani
I thought the point of a marriage is to take risks and be real, in what seems like the most boring moments.
Real talk:"hey, I have no idea what we're doing and I'm actually bored. Are you bored, too?"
Playing it safe: relationship:"Yeah having a great time, can't believe it's been two years already. Pics of our last holiday" Next year - divorce.
It's the little things, I think.
Also Aquarius = fixed. Virgo = mutable.
Posted by seraphPosted by alohamora
People shouldn't put so much trust in animals, just as one shouldn't put so much trust in another human being. These domesticated pets are the way they are, because humans have tamed them overtime. Still animals though and humans deny that fact that these are ANIMALS. For what? For our own benefit and amusements. You can say that an owner is giving its pet the care and love that it needs, but do you really know what it needs? It's not just pitbulls that have attacked their owners, there are other type of dogs out there that have attacked owners and young children.
Dogs are still animals, still have that animal instinct just as humans do. They just become tamed.
Ok, but WHAT area you saying, exactly?
The vast majority of dogs DO have their needs met, and ARE perfectly fine with people. Domesticated dogs WANT and NEED people. As was mentioned previously, dogs have evolved alongside people (as companions, workers, and for any other number of benign purposes) for *thousands* of years. If there was a significant issue with them, it's pretty obvious that folks wouldn't have moved forward with it. I haven't exactly seen King Cobras on offer at the local shelter. Have you?
So while it's obvious that dogs are wild animals, *they are also domesticated*, which means that on average, they are not a problem, and what's more, they've more than proven their worth to people, as companions, as *workers*, and very often as creatures that contribute abundantly to our own good.
Additionally, w'ere talking about Pit Bulls, where the "they're still kinda wild" argument can be made to some degree because the breed is demonstrably temperamental. But making the same argument for breeds, such as, say, German Shepherds or all other breeds, is useless. The ratio of dog value/usefulness vs. danger/attacks on humans is skewed *by far* toward the former.
So what point are you trying to make exactly?click to expand
Posted by firywetairPosted by cheekyfaerie
I'm a very open minded person. There's a lotta grey in life. What i don't know is why you're here. Best i can tell it's to be argumentative.
R u telling me i am clapping with one hand..funny that is! anyways take my advice or leave to expand
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