Did I ruin things with Mr.Cap?

Well,i can see you are Virgo,as me(welcome to the club).There are only 9 days?I didnt talk with the Cap i was seeing for more then 3 weeks,so no big deal.Time is different for them.
So,after 3 weeks,he was asking me if i wanted to go to dance class,where he was teaching,so i went.
Anyhow, iam 3 weeks into the class!!actually today,i said to him-iam kind of nervous when iam dancing with you,feeling emotions.
I thought is a normal thing to say,guess what-he just freak out and said goodbye to me and wish me well.I kind of scared him,i know.
Somehow,i knew that will happen,but i need it to get it of my chest ,so i feel much better now(at least the ball is in his court,kind of).I feel released from such a tension.
Maybe he wanted just to be in friendly terms,i dont know.
I dont put any big expectations,what will be ,will be!
So,9 days is not much(putting pressure on him,on you- iam sure is no good).
I know how us,Virgos are(it takes time to warm up to people,to trust them on a deep level) and we do the push-pull thing.When we realise we probably just might lost the person we panick and overanalyze:
so my friendly advice like from Virgo to Virgo-relax!Is the best solution!
We are so similar to Caps,only we are in reverse,i think-we think at the begginig of a relationship with a Cap-wow,why this person is so pushy?(but in a way we love all the attention ,but are scared in same time),in this time Cap thinks -wow, maybe she is just to cold,why bother(but we are just a bit scared of overwhelming emotions)-so the Cap just puff,dissapear,putting this face of poker face wounded.
For Caps is-coming strong at the begining,and puff- they just stop ,watch you,analyze you ,dissapear,watch you again,analyze ,so on(they are really funny,they dont realize we kind of know them inside out-)).
I dont know how the outcame will be,in some time-in few months or a year,if nothing good will come out from this,you will laugh at yourself a bit and you will say-wow,that was such a silly waste of energy from my part!I hope will not be like that,but could happen!
He is only 20y/old?i think he is just to young for a comitted relationship(i know a Cap guy of 20 y/o,is like a teenager-no offence to anybody,but i see a Cap guy of 20 y/o-only as a boy!i knew a 32 y/o,who was acting like a boy ,also-telling me so many praise words,didnt matter if i was older then him-i didnt give to much attention,because i didnt feel any attraction towards him-phisical or intelectual.