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Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
Miscreant: I'm sorry I took such a long time to check back in, but has anything changed? Have you had a conversation with her or with your S.O?
>>>No worries. I have not. I'm just back to completely ignoring the situation. I see no real hope here for anything positive to come out of this. It has to just end.
Agreed - You know the ending before the relationship even begin. Your current (SO) sounds amazing. . Following your emotions will satisfy you for a good few months ... is it worth it ..most likely not.
It is not fair on your woman to have you physically ....but not emotionally... she deserves your heart/mind/body...
You got to do something about your emotions- can you change your job? ( I mean it ) . She sounds like a karmic soulmate. I also believe my ex was my karmic soulmate as well. == that doesn't mean they are here in this life as your long term partner... they are here to teach you something- have you learnt something from her? - i have learnt to be the most compassionate person human being..something i kept hidden for many many years.. now I can offer that side of me to someone who DESERVES it ... and I know will not lift me up and drop me back on the ground ... someone who will hold me in the same position for the rest of my life - who's mentally ready- for my compassionate love that my scorpio ex brought back to life...it was never meant to be FOR him though.. -- his job was to bring it to the surface--and he's succeeded.. so it is the end of our re-union- i don't need him in my life anymore.
Posted by maelstromPosted by CancerOnTheCuspPosted by maelstrom
Nice! Very fortunate
Thanks. I have some other unfavorable things in my chart that help offset the good fortune :O
Ye lol I hear you, I'm a major jupiterian but I have some kickers dragging that down in my ownclick to expand
Posted by beautifulmountain
In my defence, I was in a really bad place trying to deal with some childhood abuse issues that came up and that's why I was so overly sensitive about it. I've done that now, but can't take back what I did.
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