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Posted by MontgomeryPosted by piscesmoon2
So seraph you better go tell them they will get sued at all the sites that have a data bank of men not to date... it could be a million dollar case... we have someone that is so worried about others he must state legal suing causes are around...
Wasn't that in reference to the "physical confrontation"?
I'm starting to believe this Merc retrograde, or whatever.click to expand
Posted by geminicandIe
Also, you are the one who always says "omg, I love little gem rascals" and for years you said you're lusting after gemini women, and now you are bored?!?
Lol, well in that case, try a virgo!
Or a cap chick. Yeah, that'll do!!
Posted by ScorpioFishPosted by piscesmoon2
Watch out... we have a free law adviser... seraph... he is going to tell you how illegal that is... even though most likely all of these things had nothing to do with you. Watch out he may research you and press charges... see if he can get free money...
People wonder why other say that the world would be a better place with out lawyers... and if they did not exist seraph would most likely not have a job...
Dickbreath's abilities and interests in life should have landed him a job beating, harassing and shooting civilians in North Korea for acting and speaking against assholes like him. Unfortunately, he missed his calling and we are stuck with his asshole behavior here.
As for me, I don't commit acts of vandalism toward cheaters and relationship wreckers. I do find it funny and amusing to see people get their just desserts, however. And last time I checked, it's not illegal to laugh at someone who gets what's coming to them.click to expand
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Maybe this is a platform for him/her to vent or let off excess steam?
Posted by taurusman
Im just gonna go out and say what i think! I think if he wanted to be with you he would! I know my previous relationships i knew right away that i wanted to be with them. Then i have met other girls (in my past) that i was interested but there was just always something holding me back from completely giving them my all. Thats just me i think when i know i know!
I think the fact his EX was in the picture and he decided to figure things out with her isnt a good sign for you. Cause when i was in my early 20s i dated a girl for 2 months and then met my last Ex and knew right away that i wanted to be with her. So in my opinion he would have dropped the EX completely and just been with you. Kinda sounds like hes playing games and isnt sure of you and to me thats a red flag.
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