Sneaky Libra man - can someone explain this

M143 so true ! They come back even after years , they are indecisive, they lie a lottttttttttttt and disappearing act for them is not only when they hear some bad words , it is also a good way to go away of any responsability . I read a story of a married woman who said her Libra husband disappeared after she gave birth to their child, so... I am no wonder of anything about Libra man and their behaviors like this .... And yes, they hide important things ! But they don't know to lie perfect ! You can easily find them ! Just look at their actions and what they say. even you find the truth about a lie, a Libra will continue say in your front " Is not this, is that ! " or in the most bad case " You hurt me " or " because of you..." they are always victime in everything. Your fault ! You found out that he lies , right ??? Haha, this is Libra's thinking !

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