Not into sex???

Posted by starlover
Posted by Sag89
Posted by starlover
(((Rabbit))) ~~ that must have been tough when you were a young sensitive scorp. i had a cappy mom with moon in leo...that wasnt easy either, so emotionless!!

Leo moon cold??? Explain this please lol

She was very slow at showing her feelings...i guess the saturn thing was very restrictive (Cappy). She hated us crying and was very *controlled* with the emotions
The Leo moon thing was very vain and judged people for the way they looked etc. She also used to look into the mirror a bit too much at times Big Grin
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Oh I see, yea maybe it was the cappy part with the hard to emotionally open up thing, cause with leo moon if anything I think it's too expressive at times haha and yes can be quite vain Tongue

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